xxx. typical laurel

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laureljames: There's no words to explain what is happening in this picture, honestly

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laureljames: There's no words to explain what is happening in this picture, honestly.


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usera: wtf

userb: what in the actual hell is she doing im

userc: i actually laughed out loud at this

userd: do we even want to know??

misha: Typical Laurel 😂😂

usere: ugh she annoys me so much i don't get why so many people even like her.

userf: why am i laughing so hard?

userg: who was she with??

userh: please tell me someone pushed her out the window thanks.

useri: tag urself im the dude crossing the
street in the background

jaredpadalecki: I'm still laughing at this, honestly

userj: jared so adores her i ship it

userk: what does gen think of her tho?? userj

userl: ugh ofc jared + misha had to comment on her picture 😣

tybennett: I love you 😂😂😂

userm: tyel? laury? idk man i just ship ty and laurel a whole lot more than jamalecki

usern: stop u have no reason to hate on her

laureljames: I love you, too. 💖 tybennett

usero: what even are ty and laurel??

jensenackles: Why did they stop you from getting squished?? Oh yeah, we need you to keep cooking for us.

alice's note

and here is the halfway mark. time for me to sleep for long time.

[ 12.10.16 ]
[ edited | 12.19.18 ]

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