Chapter Six

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I wake up really early, hearing some of Caleb's erudite friends screaming, arguing over which chemical goes with which. I get tired of listening to their bickering, so I storm in there. They all freeze when I enter, Caleb is the only one who seems unfazed by my presence.

"H-h-hi." One of his friends stutter. I fold my arms over my chest, and glare, making them all flinch as if I threw a punch that hit them from across the room.

Cake walks over, and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Beatrice, what are you doing in here?"

I groan. "It's just tris, and your buddies woke me up. Figure out which chemical goes with which and keep it down, or I'm sending four and Lynn in here." He quickly nods, and walks back to his friends. I stick around for a minute, and I assume Caleb told his friends what I said, because they all go even paler. I smile, and wave lightly, and walk out. Uriah is gone, along with Lynn, so I'm gonna assume they're setting a prank. Wait. It's Christmas Day. OF COURSE THEY'RE SETTING A PRANK!!!

I find them putting red, white, and green glitter into buckets, and setting them around the house, I help them, and then we blow air horns to wake up everyone. I ran downstairs, followed by Uriah and Lynn, and we sit down around the Christmas tree.

Uriah starts rummaging through the presents, shaking the ones that say his name, when he shrieks. Just them, the rest of the gang walk in covered in glitter. I giggle at a slightly angry Tobias covered in glitter, but I realize it's not anger on his face, it's mischief. He yanks me into a hug, the glitter sticking to me. I groan, and he laughs.

We're interrupted by our adorable couple time by Christina. She clears her throat. "Sorry, uri. Continue." I say. He nods, and reads the label.

"To:Uriah From:Tris Prior." They all shriek, and yank presents out of each other's hands, reading the labels frantically. I take this as a time to secretly take off my wig (I put it back on last night).

"Hey, Ella, there's none from you." Marlene whines.

"Wait a minute." Christina looks from he present to my face, over and over, then her face breaks out into a huge grin. "YOU'RE TRIS PRIOR!" She shrieks. I giggle, and do jazz hands. "Surprise." Uriah and Zeke both blush, and I laugh loudly, remembering when I first met them.

After a lot of explaining and my eardrums being blasted, we open our presents.


I was expecting them to overreact about me being me, but really they're taking it well. I mean, they treated me as a normal individual with a big house before, and they're treating me the same. I like it this way. I'm glad I could trust them.

"Let's go swimming again!!" Uriah says. We all agree, and jump into the pool with our clothes on.

"Hey!!" We look outside the pool, to see Caleb and his friends tanning. We laugh, and they try to look intimidating, but then Tobias, Zeke, Will, and Uriah act intimidating back, and they sit back down.

After a while of chicken war, they join us. The pairs were;

Tobias and I

Zeke and Shauna

Marlene and Uriah

Lynn and Caleb

Christina and will

Cara and John (erudite friends)

Emily and Josh (erudite friends)

It was fairly easy to take down Caleb's erudite friends, Caleb, and Lynn, but mostly because we would put so much strength into pushing them, whoever was on bottom would fall down by losing their balance.

Every time Lynn lost, she slapped Caleb in the face. Every time a couple won, they kissed. Including Tobias and I, and like as soon as our lips touched, Caleb yanked us apart, muttering about germs, making us laugh.

"We should play candor or dauntless IN THE POOL!" Zeke yells, and we all cheer.

"Okay, I'll start. Trissy poo, candor or dauntless?" Uriah asks.

"Hmm, lemme think, dauntless you idiot... We know who's not erudite."


"Sorry not sorry, bitches." I reply, earning a frown from Caleb.

"Okay, I dare you to call your parents outside, and say your pregnant, and that the mother/father is any of us in the pool." I laugh.

"Mother?!" Josh says horrified.

"It's illogical!" John announces.

"Which textbook did you swallow?" Will asks, and Christina looks at him, smirking.

"William!" Cara scolds, earning a groan from will. "My name is will."

"My sign is will, my number is will. You need to let it go, need to let it go, down to the I to the will will will.." Uriah sings.

"MOMM!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I pretend to start crying.

"Yes, Beatrice?" She calls concerned, running outside.

"I-I.. I'm pregnant, and the other parent is somewhere in this pool." I fake cry. It seems she believes me. Thank god I'm an actress. Her fa goes from anger, to disgust.

"Even your brother or the girls?"

"Ewww, mom, no. It was a dare. That's how you react to me saying I'm pregnant?!?" She flashes a cheeky smile, and backs out slowly.

"Okay then..." Uriah says, and I burst out laughing, as does the rest of my friends, Caleb and his buddies stare at us in horror, making us laugh harder.

"Okay, Caleb c or d?" I ask.

"D." She says winking at will, making Cara separate them.

"I dare you to kiss Caleb." His eyes widen, and she pulls him towards him, kissing him on the lips, and pulling back quickly. Will pulls her close. Caleb stands there shocked, his face frozen. We laugh some more.

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