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I watched from the belltower as every cop car pulled away. I stood, confused, wondering what called for such an abrupt fleeing. All I knew was that within seconds, the street was once again empty, and I was standing in a silent and deserted cathedral. I pulled out my phone and flipped it open, searching for Benjamin's number. It rang five times before he picked up.

"Vic," he answered.

Sirens wailed in the background. Benjamin breathed heavily into the phone, the sound of his footsteps slamming into footpath. I heard voices, distant, yelling the word 'stop', over and over again.

"Benjamin, what's going on?"

"I saw you – running up to the belltower – they were – after you – so I – "

"What the hell did you do, Benjamin?"

"I led them away!" He yelled. "We're dressed – same black hoodie – same plastic bag – didn't think – they could tell us – apart – "

"So now they're after you?!"

"They think – I'm you – it's all good – "

"Benjamin, when they catch you, they'll arrest you and put you in jail."

"I'm a – minor – they'll – be nicer."

"With your record, they'll probably trial you as an adult. Benjamin, this isn't some petty theft shit. You could go away for a long time. What the hell were you thinking?!"

Benjamin stopped and his breathing slowed. Eerie silence hung on his end.

"I had to save you," he whispered.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

"Hands in the air!" A distant voice shouted.

"Bye, Vic."

"No, wait – "

But the line went dead.

© A.G. Travers 2015

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