Heroes of Olympus: After the War

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Okay, so, this is a total fanfic story. Has nothing to do really with the others book in the Heroes of Olympus series. I just wanted to do like an epilouge sort of. For after the giant war  and after they defeat Gaea. I don't even know waht happens in the last book, or who dies or watever this is just my idea of what happens afterwards. After everyone parts their ways. I'd love to hear all you comments and reviews to feel free to tell me what you think. If I get enough positive reviews I go on to chapter 2 and then if you like that on I'll do 3; excetera. Enjoy the first chapter! 

Sincerely, Hunter72


                                                                                CHAPTER 1

Beep. Beep. Beep.                                                                                                                                                        " Blast! " Leo, muttered, reaching for his cell. He was right in the middle of working on the Archemedes sphere. This better be important. He thought. " Hello? " he said into the speaker. " Oh, hey Percy. Whats up?...What?! Your serious?...Well, okay. I'll be there soon... Alright, bye. " Leo put the phone away and started stuffing his things into a duffel bag. Leo sighed and headed for the door. " Festus! " he called.     " Set the course for Camp Half - Blood! "

                                            *                                             *                                        *

Frank was going through his emails when a alert popped up saying he'd gotten an urgent message from Percy Jackson at Camp Half - Blood. " Oh man, " he said, starting to read it. Must be something important. Frank thought. And it was. " Oh my gods! " Frank exclaimed. " What is it? " Hazel asked, coming up beside him. She read the email and he golden eyes widened. " We'd better hury, " she said. " I'll get Arion. " Frank nodded. They would need Arions speed to get to Camp Half - Blood in time.

                                          *                                              *                                          *

Jason and Piper were sparring, sword on sword, when they heard Percy clear his throat above them.     " Hey, " he said. Piper yelped and dropped her sword. " Percy Jackson! My gods, don't do that! " Jason was a little less shocked. " Hello, Percy. " he greeted. " Long time no see, everything okay? " Percy's face was grim. " Well, uh, somethings come up and we need you here at Camp immediately. " Piper stepped forward. " What happened? " As soon as Percy explain, Jason and Piper immediately started to move, they packed up their stuff and loaded up onto Temptest. " Take us to Camp Half - Blood. " Jason told his horse. " Fast. "

                                        *                                               *                                           *

 " Percy, whats going on? " Jason asked. The seven were all gathered around the ping pong table in the Big house at Camp Half - Blood. " Maybe if you showed up for a visit once in a while you'd know. " Annabeth muttered under her breath. No one else heard it, but Jason did, and this hurt him. Annabeth was never that mean, especialy not to Jason. They were like brother and sister. Percy took a deep breath. " Two nights ago, we recieved a prophecy from Rachel, our oracle. In the prophecy it said that the seven had to unite again, and that we...well, I'll just let you hear the prophecy. " He took a piece of paper out of his pocket and started to read.

" United once more, to the East the seven shall travel,

From sailing on sea to walking on gravel.

On a journey to the Island in which she waits,

Ones destiny still left to the Fates.

In result to anger three will break off, found at the point of gun,

And break the cold curse by the setting of the sun. "

Silence. A long dreadful silence, lasting for several minutes, until Leo broke it. " So does this mean we're leaving again? " Leo asked. Frank snorted. " Well, duh. We have to. It's not like can just shrug it off. " Leo frowned at him. " I know that, I was kind of hoping after Gaea and everything that we could just  settle down, you know? " Leo sounded very upset maybe even a little angry. And everyone seemed to as well. " The one thing I don't understand is the fourth line, ' Ones destiny still left to the Fates. '  What could that mean? " Percy asked. There was no answer.

" Well, " Hazel said, glumly. " I guess we head east and find out. Supposedly she is waiting for us on an island. And three of us will be found at the point of a gun. " Annabeth scowled. " Then once again meet by the setting of the sun. This has got to be the most confusing prophecy we've ever had. The others we actualy knew what we were doing or searching for. This? We have no clue. " Piper nodded. " Let's just hope nothing goes wrong. " Percy laughed bitterly. " Like that'll happen. "





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