Chapter 4

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Jason was pretty mad. First, Percy had been a total jerk to Leo, saying that he had gotten them lost. Then, Annabeth started bossing them around like she was in charge. Which she totally was not.

And Jason had said so. No one had really heard him, except Percy, who didn't say anything. Which was fine with Jason. He didn't want to hear was Seaweed Brain had to say.

He'd heard enough. So there he stood, him and Frank both helping Leo navigate.

Leo still looked pretty mad, even after Piper used charmspeak on him. He wouldn't talk much, only muttered to himself accasionaly. Jason felt anger rise up in him. How dare Percy say something like that Leo, and not even say sorry!

Leo had done nothing wrong, he was just doing what he was told to do. I mean, please. Jason thought. If theres anyone to blame about getting lost, it's Percy. He's the one that can control the water and stuff. Why can't he just create a big current to carry us all the way to that blasted island!

Jason looked up. The sky had turned into an ashy grey, and the wind had begun to pick up, awakening the still waters. A storm was coming. " Uh, Leo. " he said. " Should we be worried about that? "                    

Leo glanced up at the sky and frowned. " Um, not sure. Funny, Festus should've picked an incoming storm, long before it came. "

Frank shrugged. " Maybe he didn't know. " Leo scowled. " Either way, we'd better pick up the pace. The last thing we want is to get caught in a storm. "

Rain poured down on them, and the restless water was tossing the ship about, which was making it impossible for Leo to steer the ship. Percy, Piper and Annabeth stumbled over to them. " You sailed us straight into a storm! " Annabeth yelled over the wind.

" It's not my fault! " Leo protested. " I'm not the one who has water powers and stuff. I can't sense it! " Percy's stepped up. " Your accusing me now? "

Leo rolled his eyes. " Oh, and they say he's not very bright. " Percy looked like he was ready to hit Leo, and Leo was getting ready to torch him. But before anyone did anything, a bloodcurlng scream made it's way over the roar of the storm and over to the group.

" Hazel! " Frank shouted. Hazel's body was nothing but a blurr as she fell towards the deck of the ship, from her postition up on the mast. 

Frank ran over, but he was to late. Hazel hit the deck just as the whole ship tilted over to the side and her body rolled over to the railing of the ship. Frank steadied himself, and slowly made his way over to her, fighting against the rain and the wind.

Jason saw the large wave heading making it's way over the railing before anyone else did. " Frank, watch out! " But Frank was just a moment too late. The wave crashed down on them, with such force it threatened to pour them out into the sea. Jason was just about to go help when Leo grabbed his arm and pulled him back. " Leo, what are you doing?! " Jason demanded. 

Leo didn't answer, he was already running over to Frank. " Leo! " Jason called. " Stop! It'll just take you too! " But if Leo heard him, he showed no sign of it. He rushed over to Frank and Hazel a quickly grabbed their arms and pulled them to their feet.

He shouted something that Jason couldn't make over of the roaring wind. Frank just nodded and the two of them started dragging Hazel's limp body while she moaned in pain. They almost made it.

The second wave crashed down on them before anyone could react. " Leo! " Piper screamed, in despair. " Hazel! Frank! " There was no reply. When the wave cleared out there was no sign of Leo, Frank or Hazel. " Hurry! ' Jason shouted, heading over to the rail. " They might have fallen in! "                    

They all peared over the side of the ship. And what they saw was three limp bodys flaoting in the water. " I'll get them. " Percy said, getting ready to jump over the side. But Annabeth put a hand of his shoulder. " No," she said. " What!? " Piper demanded.

" I said no. " Annabeth repeated. " It's supposed to happen anyways. Just like the prophecy said. ' Three will break off, found at the point of gun. ' See? We can't try and save them. "

Jason glared at her. " I don't care! We have to save them. They could die! " Annabeth shook her head.     " No, they won't die. I have a feeling they'll be quite safe. They might even reach the island before we do. "

She was right. And Jason hated it.

But he couldn't do anything about it. All he could do was watch as Frank, Hazel and Leo drifted away. 

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