Chapter 3

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The girl crashed through the jungle. It was dark making it hard to see her face, but the frightened look in her eyes were obvious. Whatever was purseing her was hidden in the shadows but you could hear it's ragged breathing. The girls feet were bare, dirty and bleeding, but still she didn't stop. She kept running. Until she reached a dead end. She was backed up against the edge of rocky ledge. Then her pursuer stepped out of the shadows. The girl screamed, then everything was gone.

Percy startled awake, breathing heavely. It looked so real. And that scream...Percy shook his head. No. It was just a dream. He glanced over at the clock on his nightstand 8:21.

Percy threw the covers off of his body and hurriedly got dressed and headed out to the dinning room. The other were all in there eating breakfast and talking.

"...I've got the course set going East, but I still don't know exactly what I'm looking for. " Leo was saying. " And even if we come across it how will we know it's the right one? "          

Percy walked in and took a seat beside Annabeth. Leo continued. " I mean it's not like theres going to be a little flag that says ' Welcome Jason, Percy, Frank, Annabeth, Hazel, Piper and Leo '. "                      

" What about that line before the last? " Frank said. " You know where it says, ' Three will break off, found at the point of gun. ' What if that means that three of us will get lost or separated and find it then face some threat. "

Annabeth nodded. " That would make sense but it says ' point of gun ' not ' point of gun '. Thats the thing I don't understand, it's talking about the gun like it's a place, which I'm really and confused with. "

" We'll worry about that when the time comes. " Jason said. " Right now I just wanna know where we're headed. Leo? "

Leo shruged. " Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, but no islands have been showing up on my map. Which is kind of wierd. Two days out and not any sight of land. Seems odd, to me. I mean, wouldn't we have seen some type of land at least by now? "

" Maybe we're lost. " Percy suggsted. Leo nairowed his eyes. " Are you saying I don't know how to navigate my own ship? "

Percy raised his eyebrows. " Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. I'm just saying theres a possibilty that we're lost. " Leo's jaw tightened, his eyes showed complete loathing. And Percy was on the recieving end. 

" Guys... " Piper said warningly. " Let's not do this right now, okay? We have other things to worry about, okay Leo? " Leo gritted his teeth. " He just said that I - "

Piper placed a hand on his shoulder. " Okay, Leo? " she repeated, a little more force into her words. Charmspeak? Maybe.

Either way Leo obeyed, he slowly unclenched his fists and his jaw losened. But the look full of hatred stil lingered, showing clearly in his eyes.

Annabeth cleared her throat. " Anyways...uh, Leo, why don't you go check on Festus. As for everyone else, someone needs to be on look out, Hazel can you do that? "

Hazel nodded. " Good, Frank and Jason, you could help Leo. Piper, Percy and me will keep a look around on the deck, alright? "

Everyone nodded and Percy thought her heard someone mutter. " Who died and made her in charge? "

Percy looked around to see who.

It had been Jason.

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