Chapter 16

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One afternoon, while Timber was out hunting and getting water from the falls, Hazel brought the three together. " It's time to try and crack the prophecy, guys. " she told them. " The others will be here soon - probably - and we need to have everything figured out by then so we can all break Timber's curse. If she agree's to it. "

" Then shouldn't we wait 'till she get's back to talk about it? " Leo asked. Hazel shook her head. " We can fill her in later. Now, " Hazel brought out a piece of paper with the prophecy written out on it. " lets put check marks on all the lines we've figured out or that came true, and question marks on the ones we need to figure out. "

Frank pointed at the first two lines. " We already completed those two. " Hazel nodded and checked the two lines with her pencil.

" And the next two, " Leo began. " We know their talking about Timber, but we don't neccisarily know what they mean besides that she has something instore for her. "

" We'll just leave them blank, " Hazel decided. " Since we're not sure. "

" Okay, " Leo agreed. " Well, we know what happeneds in the next one. We all got angry at eachother and couldn't cooperate so me, you and Frank got thrown off the ship. Then we washed up on the point of this island, Gun. "

" Alright, " Hazel put a check by it. " But what about the last line? " Frank asked. " ' Then break the cold curse by the setting of the sun. ' What could that mean? "

Hazel chewed on the end of her pencil. " I think it has something to do with the third and fourth line. "

" So we'll have to figure those out before we get to these ones. " Leo said. Hazel nodded. " But before we do that we need to get some more information. "

" Like what? " Frank asked. " We need to know more about Timber's curse. " Hazel replied. " We need to know why exactly she thinks it's impossible to be broken. Why she doesn't want us to try. We need - "

Suddenly the treehouse door flew open and Timber burst into the room panting, her curly hair clustered around her face in wild wisps. Leo, Hazel and Frank all jumped to their feet.

" What is it, Timber? " Leo asked. Timber smiled exitedly. " They're here, their boat's making it's way over! "

The three exchanged looks. They all grinned at eachother and just like that everyone was scrambling down the rope ladder and running through the jungle towards the beach.

" How'd you see them? " Hazel asked Timber, while they ran. " I was just about to dive for some shellfish, " Timber started. " When I saw the ship in the distance. I immediatelly knew it was your friends, so I ran to go get you. "

The four of them dashed out onto the beach all the way to the edges of the water. Leo gasped. There it was. The Argo II making it's way over. " It's them! " Hazel shrieked, happily. " I knew they'd come! " 

" Let's wave so they can see us. " Frank said. The three of them began waving their arms, jumping and shouting.

On the Argo, Leo saw four figures standing at the ledge. " Leo! " he heard a voice scream. " Hazel! Frank! " Piper. 

That was all confirmed when one of them jumped off the side of the boat, into the water and began madly paddling towards the beach. Yup, definitely Piper. The others followed after her.

Piper reached the beach first and embraced Leo. Leo hugged her back tightly. He laughed. " I missed you too Beauty Queen. " Piper pulled away a little to look at Leo and Leo saw tears in her eyes. " I thought you were gone. " she whispered. " It's okay, I'm fine. " Leo assured her.

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