Chapter 2

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Saying Leo was upset was an understatement. He was furious. He'd really thought that it was all finally over and that he could start a new life. Not have to wory anymore. But nooooooo, him and the others just had to go and find some damsel in distress waiting for them on an island. He sighed. Oh well. He'd just have to go with the flow.

Him and the others were going to start out on the Argo II, like the prophecy said. From sailing on sea to walking on gravel. Something like that. After saying goodbye to Chiron and some of the campers, the seven boarded the ship. Leo started it up and they began to rise. They was fly until they reached open water and then they would head east. In no time they settling down into the shimmering water.

Everyone lingered around the deck, except for Hazel who had begun to feel a little sea sick and went below deck. Piper and Annabeth were sparing and the boys, Frank, Jason and Percy were playing cards.

Even with the dissapointment of having to go on yet another quest, after everyone had setteled down, they all seemed to still make the best of it. The were talking and laughing, just like friends should. Leo grimaced, he had a feeling that soon, very soon, the seven would begin to bicker and feel hatred towards one another and then they would fall apart. Just like the prophecy said.

Also, there was something about the prophecy that didn't seem right. It just diddn't click in Leo's mind. Of all the other prophecys that Leo had heard they had all at least made sense, you knew what you were doing. You knew what the purpose of it all was. But in this prophecy, you didn't have a clue.

Leo heard footsteps behind him. He whirled around and saw Piper coming over. " Hey, " she said, coming up beside him leaning against the controls where Leo was steering the ship. " You doing okay? " Leo shrugged. " Yeah, I guess. "  Piper furrowed her brow. " You guess? Either your doing good or your not. " Leo gave in. " Okay, I'm not doing very good. " Piper leaned forward. " What's wrong? "                                

" I don't know, I just... " Leo sighed. " I just was really hoping we could settle down you know? And this prophecy is driving me nuts. It makes no sense! And I just have this - this feeling that this is more than just a quest, more than just a prophecy. It's part of something bigger. It has a lot of importance. "              

Piper nodded. " I know what you mean. I've been thinking the exact same thing. But you know what? Your not alone. We're all in this together. We'll figure it out, I promise. Don't worry, okay? "                            Leo mustered up a smile. " Yeah, okay. Thanks Pipes. " Piper grinned back and gave Leo a kiss on the cheek." No problem. "

Piper left, and Leo felt a lot better. But some doubt still lingered.

What if Piper was wrong?


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