Chapter 13

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The next couple days at Timber's place went by in a blurr. Just like Timber had said. Everything was the same eachother and every single day so there wasn't really a point for Hazel to pay attention much, but what she did notice was the way Timber and Leo acted around eachother.

Whenever they were around eachother, Leo would smile or something at Timber, crack a joke and maybe compliment her, then Timber would smile a little then immediatelly she'd frown and look away.

Like she was reminding herself that she didn't like him or something, which was crazy because Leo'd saved her life the other say from a pack of hellhounds.

 Hazel thought about talking to Timber about it, but she decided against it. Timber was a sort of distant person, she wouldn't just open up right away. It took some prodding and perstering. Hazel had noticed that much.

Like when Leo asked her about this weird scar that went down her back. She got really jumpy and told him it was just a scar from a long time ago and that she didn't want to talk about. They left the matter at that.

The only time Hazel had seen Timber really open up was when she was talking about what she would do if she wasnt cursed or when she telling them about different places on the island that she loved. Thats when she seemed like she was alive.

Her eyes would light up and she'd get this dreamy look on her face. But thats really all they new about Timber, that she was a cursed demigod, that she fought along side the titans and Gaea.

For gods sake, they didn't even know who her godly parent was. But it was highly possible that Timber didn't either. The reason she turned on the gods anyway was because her parent never claimed her.

But one day, when Leo and Frank were at the falls washing up for the day, Hazel decided to give it a try. She walked up to Timber while she was weaving clothes for the boys ( Hazel just wore some of Timber's since she was about the same size ) and sat down beside her. 

Timber looked over at Hazel and raised an eyebrow. " You need something? Here, just give me a moment to finish up. " 

Hazel took a deep breath. " Actually, Timber, I wanted to ask you something. " Timber's hands froze in mid weave. " W - what about? "

" About your past, " Hazel replied, and before Timber could object Hazel started up again. " I want to know where you came from, if you have family, who was your secret boyfriend in the giant war and most importantly who's your godly parent. "

Timber bit her lip. " Well, I was born in Bluffton, Minnisota, December 21, 1996. I was born on the winter solstice. I never knew my mom, and my dad never talked about her. I have two younger sibling, my brother and sister, Cato and Posy. When I was twelve a satyr from Camp Half Blood found me, he said I needed to go somewhere where I could be safe, so I went with him. I never saw my family again. My boyfriend, whom I met during the giant war name was Solace. He was a son of Apollo. We kept our love a secret cause he knew I was an enemy and I knew the same for him. But during a battle he was killed by one of Gaea's minions, and for that I have never forgave myself. " Timber finnished, her hands were shaking and so was her voice.

" What about your godly parent? " Hazel asked. Timber hesitated. " I, uh, I never found out who my godly parent was. "

Immediately Hazel knew she was lying just by the look in her eye. Timber was hiding something, and she was afraid to tell anyone, including Hazel. But Hazel didn't push any farther, Timber already looked troubled enough, so she changed the subject.

" Should we be woried that the boys have been gone for more that half an hour like they said? " Hazel asked. Timber smiled. " They'll be fine, theres nothing too dangerous at the falls. As long as they don't run into any preditors. " Timber added jokingly.

Hazel laughed. " Let's hope not! " As if on cue, suddenly the treehouse door opened and Frank and Leo walked in, still slightly wet. " Hey, " Hazle greated, giving Frank a quick kiss. " We were just talking about you guys. "

Leo and Frank froze in thier tracks. " You were? Because whatever you guys think we did we didn't do it, maybe. " Leo said hurriedly. 

The two girls laughed. " You guys didn't do anything. " Timber assured. " We were just a little woried cause you guys had been out for awhile. "

Leo sighed with relief. " Oh, okay, yeah we were fine. " Frank glared at him pointedly. " You got us lost in the middle of the jungle, and yet you say we were fine. Speak for yourself, dude. "

Leo rolled his eyes. " It was nothing, you were overeacting. I got us here didn't I? "

" Yeah, " Frank scoffs. " After thirty minutes of wondering through jungle listening to you say over and over ' Don't worry, the treehouse is just right about the corner. '  We were going in circles! "  

 " Girls, girls, your both pretty. " Hazel interupted. " I'm just glad you guys found your way back. Who knows what could've happened to you guys after dark in those jungles. "

Timber nodded, as she headed over towards the kitchen. " Hazel's right, there's lot's of wild cats and predators that roam those jungles at night looking for lost prey. "

Leo gulped. " Yeah, next time we go to the falls, you should probably draw me and Frank a map. "

Frank's eyes widened. " Next time?! " he exclaimed. " I'm not even sure I'm all - to - peachy about the first time! " The two started argueing again while Hazel and Timber just looked over at eachother.

" Boys. " they said at the same time.

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