The Last Dance (13)

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Chapter 13 - The Price of Freedom

It was the merchant from the castle. The one John had bought the bracelet from and had then seen it on me.

Crap crap CRAP! What was I going to do? The facade John had created was useless. We were found out. Well, one of at least. That meant it was up to me to figure this out.

I bit my lip wondering what I could possibly do to get us out of this situation.

I looked back over to the camp where the merchant was still regarding John with a mask of surprise covering his features while John looked warily back.

The other men hadn't noticed what was passing between them yet when Cal spoke up.

"Lou, Rory we be'n waitin' for ya. See we got a bit 'o a situation here" He said with a jerk of his head towards John.

"We found 'ol Robert here in our trap and we don' know what ta do wit' 'im" Jer supplied.

Either Lou or Rory nodded his head and looked at John suspiciously. The merchant's forehead crinkled in confusion.

"Mayhaps I be missin' somethin' but 'o is Robert eh?"

I closed my eyes in dread. This was it.

Cal gave him a funny look "Who else Rory bu' the lad," He said with a nod to John

Rory only chuckled. Chuckled! "Why tha' there's Prince Johnathan no' Robert. What manner 'o joke is this?"

I looked warily on and noticed Brice's eyes flash. This was going from bad to worse.

He strolled over to John and grabbed him by the chin pulling his face up.

"Prince Johnathan is it?" He said menacingly "Wha? Come to spy on us have ye?" I saw John's face pale.

"N-no" He stuttered. "I.. ah.. I ran away.. got lost.. mistake.. not a spy..." He trailed off into unintelligent rambling and I saw his face gain color quickly from embarrassment. Oh for goodness sake! This was hardly the time to lose your cool John.

Brice hissed at him which frightened me to no end. And Cal and the rest of the men merely watched.

They wouldn't hurt him would they? Surely someone would step in, Rory at least who knew him. Right?

Brice let go of him abruptly, causing him to stumble forward and fall to his knees. He glared up with all of the dignity he could muster.

"A pretty penny we could get from 'im eh?" He asked the men with a dark chuckle. "I reckon we send a piece back to the king. See he gets the message not to send no spies out here eh?" He looked John over with a critical eye that made me sick and scared. Now would be a good time to step in Celia.

Any minute now.

Come on!

It was no use, I was frozen in place, stunned.

I saw Rory fidgeting and shifting from foot to foot while stealing furtive looks at Cal, who remained silent. The rest of the men hung back, obviously not wanting to get involved.

Suddenly Brice pulled out a sword so fast I hadn't even seen him reach for it. He levelled it in front of John moving it around as if contemplating where to make the first incision.

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