Chapter 3

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    "Come on Alice, try it," Luna pleaded. I stuck my hand into the water. It's freezing cold since its only late March. My hand clasped around something. It was thin and wriggly. I pulled my hand out. In my hand was a white thing that looked like a stick except it was moving. "You caught one," Luna shrieked with delight.

    I turned around and put them in the woven basket Luna brought down. After about 20 minutes the basket was full. "Let's go bring these up to the house." I said. We start heading up the hill when we reach the house I push the door open. "Mom we caught some pimplies," Luna shouted. "That's great sweetheart." Her mom said while come down the spiral staircase that lead up to the rest of their house. On the bottom floor is the kitchen and the dining room.

   Then the second floor is the family room with a door leading of to Mr. and Mrs. Lovegood's room. Then on the third floor is Luna's room. I set the basket on the kitchen table. "Would you like to stay for lunch, Alice?" Mrs. Lovegood asks. "Sure," I reply.

   "Come to my room, Alice."

  I head upstairs with Luna dragging me by the hand. Once we reach the top floor she goes and flops on her bed. I walk over to the dresser and pick up a glass horse. It's made of porcelain. "Do you like it?" She asks. I nod my head. "My mom gave it to me for my birthday," she continues. "It's very pretty."

   She slide off her shoes.

  "Don't you have to go to school this year?" She asks. "Yeh," I say getting more excited by the minute. "But I don't start until September. It's only March." Her smile fades a tiny bit. "I'll write you every day. I already promised Ginny. You too can play together while I'm gone." Her smile widens.

   "Good," she says satisfied. "I'll send you an owl, and I'll tell you all about everything that I'm doing. Daddy is taking me and mommy on a trip to look for Crumple Horned Snorklack's in October." I laugh. "You can tell me all about it."

   All of a sudden there is s loud clashing downstairs. I race downstairs to see a bowl shattered on the ground. Mrs. Lovegood's comes sweeping out of the kitchen. "Sorry," she says. I was carrying it and I dropped it." She pulls out her wand and points it at the spilled bowl. It's contents are spilled all over the floor.

   "Reparo," she says and the pieces from the bowl fly back together from across the room and all the spices in the bowl return inside it. Magic never seizes to amaze me. "Anyway, now that your down here, lunch is ready."

    The large clock on the wall reads: 11:43.

    I sit down at the table next to Luna. Xeno comes running down the stairs and pulls out a chair across from me. He gives a quick kiss to his wife before sitting down. Mrs. Lovegood set down a plate with chicken on it. Then she set down a large bowl with a ladle in it. An empty plate and bowl is placed in front of me.

   I take a piece of chicken off the plate and scoop some soup into my bowl. "It's freshwater pimply soup." Luna notes. No matter how strange it sounds their food is actually really good. We sit down and start eating. "This food is really good, Mrs. Lovegood. Thank you for letting me stay." She nods her head while smiling big.

    "Do you mind if I go quickly send an owl to my mom to tell her where I am?"I ask.

   "Sure go ahead," Xeno says.

  I go into the kitchen and pull out a price of parchment and a quill out of a drawer. I quickly scribble down:

    I'm at the Lovegood's house. They invited me to stay for lunch. Don't worry about me. I'll see you later. Love you,

     "Midnight!" I call. Their owl flutters down from outside. Midnight is a black owl with hazel eyes. Her feathers are very silky. I tie the letter to her leg. "Now take this to Molly Weasley," I instruct before she takes off out the window. Then I go sit back down at the table.

   We finish lunch a half an hour later. It was very good. "Thank you for everything," I say. "But I have to get going."

    "No," Luna whines, grabbing onto my leg. "Don't worry I'll come back tomorrow." That's how I finally get her to let go. "Bye, Alice. Come by any time." Xeno says. I head out the front door. "Owl me whenever you want," I call to Luna.

     The grass sways at my ankle. The dirt is well packed so no mud gets on my shoes.

   Soon enough I can see my house in the distance. By now there's a gravel path. I start running when it starts drizzling. My the time I'm at the gate to the yard it's pouring down rain. My hair is plastered to my face and my clothes are dripping wet. I reach the house and my mother ushers me inside. "Come on, come on now, go change your soaking wet," she fusses.

    I race upstairs into my room. I open the closet and pull out a dry pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I step into the closet and close the door to change since Fred and George were in the room. I step out out of the closet now in my dry clothes and throw the wet ones in the hamper.

    "Where have you been?" they ask simotaniously.

"I went to the Lovegood's." I tell them. "And I stayed for lunch."
They both rolled their eyes. I shrugged. "I'm going again tomorrow if you want to come." I offer.

"Tomorrow!" George says loudly. "Ya. What's wrong?" I ask. "Tomorrow is our birthday, remember..." Fred continues, knocking on my head. "Does it matter? I want to go see Luna on my birthday. Like i said, you can come too."

"Fine," George huffed. "Just don't stay away too long. We should be together on our birthday. You realize at Hogwarts we'll have separate dorms, hang out with separate people?"

"No, we'll always stay best friends." I argue. "But fine. I won't stay long."

I sit down on my bed and start reading my book again.

Later that night we had steak for dinner. It was delicious. After dinner I head up to my room. I slip into my pajamas and lay down in my bed. I pull the covers up to chin and rest my head on my pillow. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, hoping that tomorrow will be the best 11th birthday ever. Hoping that three very special owls will arrive with some of the best news ever.

I love writing this book. Comment and vote please. This is not my first fanfic and writing gets more and more fun the more I write. Please continue reading and check out my other works. Also share this with anyone you know that likes Harry Potter. And if they don't... CONVINCE THEM!! Oh and sorry I always say Mrs. Lovegood. Her actual name is Pandora Lovegood. Anyway... peace out.

Mischief Managed

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