Chapter 5

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    I flip over the envelope and start to peel it open. Inside is three pieces of paper and a ticket. The ticket shines with gold paper around the edge. It reads: Platform 9 3/4
            Hogwarts express

    "Mum it's our Hogwarts letters," I shriek and unfold the papers. The first of them reads: We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

   The other papers are supplies for school. I squeal. Fred and George have identical looks of excitement on their faces. Mum quickly snatches the paper from my hand and scans the supply list. "There's only one place that we're going to get all of this." She says.

"Diagon Alley."

I rush back inside and flop down on the couch. "Ah," I sigh, burying my head in the pillows. I try to stay awake but unconsciousness overtakes me and soon I'm fast asleep.


The next morning I lazily sit up to see that I've been moved from the couch to my bed. I slip off the bed onto the floor as quietly as possible since Fred and George are still loudly snoring. I tip-toe down the stairs to see Ron sitting on the couch. "Hey Ron," I say while jumping over the back of the couch and landing next to him.

   "Hey," he replies, gloomily.

   "Anything wrong?" I ask him. I phrased it as a question so he would think I'm asking but i know for a fact something is wrong.

   "Well," he starts. Then he pauses. "You all get to go to Hogwarts and make new friends and everything but I'm just stuck here by myself. I have no friends and no one to play with." He complains.

    "Um," I start, but I'm not really sure what to say. "Well, you get to go to Hogwarts in two years." I offer encouragingly but he groans. That my cue to leave so I stand up and run outside to de mum in the garden. Exactly who I was looking for. "Mum," I say tapping her on the back. "What is it?" She asks, not looking up from the gardening she's doing.

   "Well, Ron's having a problem and I think it would be best if you handled it." I state flatly. Then I run back inside, up the stairs, and into my room. The door bangs open when I push it and Fred and George sit straight up. I try to muffle a snicker but it doesn't work. Then I flop down on my bed and start reading again.


   Summer flew by in a snap. I visited the Lovegood's a lot, playing with Luna. Fred, George, and I played pranks on Ron, Ginny, and especially Percy when he came home from school. We even tried to get Ron to make an unbreakable vow. But sadly dad found us before we finished. But finally, on the day before school starts, we head to Diagon Alley. I grab some one the thin powder in a cup on the side of our fire place. I step inside the fire place and throw the powder to the ground. "Diagon Alley," I say.

A spinning sensation overtakes me. I keep my eyes closed and my mouth shut. Finally it stops and I stumble out of a fireplace in a shop in Diagon Alley. I move out of they way and Fred comes shooting out, soon after followed by George and then the rest of my family. Dad went to go get some money from Gringotts. My family has not always had a lot of money.

   We sit down at a table outside the ice cream shop. Mum takes Ginny and Ron over to look at the owls. Percy, Charlie and Bill go off on their own. Bill doesn't go to Hogwarts anymore. He graduated a couple years ago. Charlie is in his last year. A boy with frizzy hair walks up and sits down next to us. "Hi," he says. "I'm Lee Jordan."

   "Alice Weasley," I say extending a hand. He grasps my hand and shakes it. "Fred..." Fred starts,
"And George..." George says.
"Weasley." They say together. Lee shakes both of their hands. "Creepy," I mutter to them. "And you three are..." Lee starts to say. "... Triplets..." I say cutting him off.

   A tall women with olive skin and long black hair calls to Lee. "See you at Hogwarts." He says before running off. "He seemed nice," I say. Just then dad and mum both come back. "I'll get your books," he says. "And you go get your wands and robes." He dumps and handful of silver coins into my hands and a few gold ones.

   We start to head over to one of the shops, Ollivander's. Everyone gets their wand from there. I push open the door and the little bell rings. And old wizard sweeps out from behind shelves of wand. He places three boxes on the table. We walk up to them, grabbing them. I give mine a flick and a vase shatters. Fred makes a light burst and George knocks a few boxes off the shelves. He comes back with three more. This one felt warm in my hand.

  I gave it a flick a a rush of air fills the room. This is mine. Fred and George's do the same. "Now these wands have Unicorn tail hair in them. I took only three hairs from this particular unicorn. All three lie in your wands."

   "Cool," I say. "So we have triplet cores?"

   "Exactly," Ollivander says.

   We pay for the wands and head back outside. Then we go get fit for our robes.

   "Time to go," mum announces once we have all our supplies. We walk into one of the shops and over to the fireplace. I grab a pinch of the powder again and throw it into the fire. "The Burrow." I cry. A familiar spinning sensation takes over me and then I shoot out the fireplace at my house.

   I carry my stuff upstairs to my room and lay them down next to my bed. A long day of shopping wears be out. I'm not even hungry for dinner. Fred and George come and go, dropping off their supplies and then going back down for dinner. At times like these I just pretended to sleep. Soon enough I didn't have to pretend anymore though.

   I sat deeper and deeper into unconsciousness. I dreamed which was unusual for me. I was sitting in the great hall, the sorting hat on my head, and it told Dumbledore it couldn't decide which house I should be in. Dumbledore said that since it can't decide I can just go to Slytherin. Then the Gryffindors pelted me with all the food on their tables.

   I woke up, sweating at about 12:30. I hear the steady mumble of Fred and George's snores. I lay back down and fall asleep again.

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