Chapter 2

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    When we get outside we go and sit on the stone wall at the far end of the yard. "Alice, are you leaving this year to go to school?" She asks. "Yep," I say. Her smile fades away. "But then I'll have no one to talk to," she complains. I smile.

   "Don't worry. I'll write every day if you want me to." This brightened her mood.

"Hey, do you want to play hide and seek?" I ask her. "Sure," she replies. "But your it."

I move my hands to cover my eyes. Then I start counting. "1-2-3," there's a small scurrying noise as she moves to get off the wall. "4-5-6," pitter patter against the grass. "7-8-9-10." I pull my hands off my eyes and look around.

Ginny is no where to be found. I check behind the wall, in the flower bed, and in the vegetable garden. I walk around to the backside of the house. There is a small gap between the garage and the house. In there is two trash cans. I glance  over to that area to see the trash cans shaking and a faint giggle comes from that area. "Well I guess Ginny's not back here!" I say at the top of my voice while walking toward the trash cans.

A small tuft of red hair is sticking out. I pull back the trash can. "Gotcha!" I scream. She shrieks and runs out. "Not so fast," I say, chasing after her. "Girls, come inside!" Mom yells just as I catch up with her. I grab her by the arm and start running to the house.

"Come on Ginny."

Once we reach the house, we run inside. "What do you need mom?" Ginny asks curiously.

"I need everyone to clean their rooms." She says. Everyone groans. My room is probably the biggest in the house since Fred, George, and I all share a room. "Fine," I grumble running upstairs. I push open the door to my room. The floor is littered with items from Zonkos Joke Shop that Charlie and Bill had brought us.

By bed was rumpled and I there were clothes strewn everywhere. Fred and George's looked no better, if not worse. I set to work, picking up my clothes and putting them in a hamper. Herding my share of the Zonkos stuff into a pile and putting it in a small container on my nightstand.

   I pull the bed sheet and tuck it in and under my pillow. Just the Fred and George walk in. My side of the room near while theirs is messy. "Good luck," I say while sitting down on my bed and pulling a book off my bookshelf. I open it to chapter 7 and start reading.

   When I finish the chapter I look up to see that Fred and George had barely made any progress. They were sitting on the floor across from each other rolling a ball of clothes back and forth, occasionally tossing it from behind their backs. I walk over and snatch the ball of clothes out of mid air.

    "Hey," Fred complains.

   "Clean...Now..." I instruct.

  They sigh and start to clean again while I throw the clothes ball into the hamper. When the finish they pull out some of their own Zonkos products. "Wait here," I instruct. I slip out the door and quietly run downstairs where mom is attending to the dishes, her wand laying forgotten on the table. I grab it and head back upstairs.

   I enter the room and Fred and George look up at me. "Watch closely. I've seen mom do this spell before and I've been secretly practicing. You better not tell on me." They looked intrigued. I point the wand at the floor and take a deep breath. "Scourgify."

   All the little smudges and stains on the floor disappear. All the wrappers from sweets,from Honydukes that Charlie and Bill have brought us, fly into a small trash can.

   "Woah," George says.

  "Please don't tell on me," I beg. "We'll do nothing of the sort," Fred assures me. "Hey do you know any other spells?" He asks. My face turns into a mischievous grin. "I know a couple."

   The steps creak as the three of us walk up the stairs. I creak open the open the by a few inches. Ron is sitting on his bed with a few stuff animals that line the edge of his bed. I point the wand at a stuffed bear at the end of his bed. I mutter some well chosen words. The bear's legs grow skinnier and longer and it sprout two extra. Slowly it changes into a spider. And a rather large one.

   Ron turns to look at it and screams at the top of his lungs with a look of pure terror on his face. We run back to our room. Once we get there we burst out laughing. I got the idea from something that happened a while ago. When Ron was three we stole moms wand and we turned Ron's bear to spider. I think that's why he's afraid of spiders. It's really funny.

   I race downstairs remembering that mom will notice if her wand is gone. When I get down there she is rushing over to the stairs. "Ronnie, what's wrong?!" She yells. I quietly place her wand back on the table and then run outside. "Mom, I'm taking a walk." I yell, not wanting to be in the house if she figures it out. I start off down the road.

   I decide to go to the Lovegood's. They live just over the hill. My legs ache a little as I climb up higher and higher. When I finally reach their house I knock twice on the door. A cheerful young women opens the door. "Hi Alice," Mrs. Lovegood's says. I come up here all the time. "Hi," I reply. "Luna, Alice is here," she calls back to the house.

   A little girl with bright blond hair comes racing down the stairs. "Hi Alice," she says brightly. "Hi Luna." I say. "What have you been doing today?"

   "Oh nothing." She replies. "I've been helping daddy print out copies of his newspaper."

   Luna's dad is the editor of the Quibbler. Speaking of which, a man with shoulder length, blond hair. "Good morning Alice," he says. "Good morning Xeno," I reply.

   "Luna, why don't you take Alice down to the river," Mrs. Lovegood says. "Ok," Luna replies. We head down the path leading to the stream. We sit down by the edge of the water. "Do you want to catch some freshwater pimplies?" She asks. "Sure Luna."

    Luna is the same age as Ginny. Her family believes in all sorts of wild creatures but I've learned to live with it.  She reaches into the water and pulls her hand back out but she has nothing in it. "Dang," she says. I smile.

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