Chapter 4

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    I sleepily blink my eyes open. Sun shines through the window. I stretch out my hands high above my head and yawn. Then it hits me. ITS MY BIRTHDAY! I run over and shake Fred and George until they wake up. "Come on, get up, get up,get up. It's... our... birth... day..." I say pronunciating each word. That wakes them up. I run downstairs in attempt to beat them.

    Of course I failed. "No fair,"I complain stepping down the last step and seeing them already lounged on the couch. "You guys are faster than me." Just then a loud thumping comes from behind me. Ginny flies down the stairs and hugs me as tightly as she can. "Happy birthday, Alice!" She yells.
"What are we, next door neighbors?" Fred asks jokingly.

    "Oh ya," she says before giving them quick side arm hugs.

I giggle as George mumbles,"Gee, thanks."

"Well girls have got to stick together in a family of 6 boys." I say defensively. Just then mum comes racing down the stairs. "Happy Birthday!" She says giving each of us a big kiss on the forehead. "Ew mum, stop." I complain. She sets to making breakfast. I sit at the table and a large plate of eggs and toast is set in front of me. Yum.

It tastes as delicious as it looks. "Thanks mum. That was amazing." I say. She smiles. "I'm going up to the Lovegood's," Fred and George give me a look. "Just for a little bit I assure them."

"Well, just don't be late for your birthday dinner. That's when you get your presents. Now mind you it's only one each because of money..." she mumbles the last bit.

"Mum it's fine." I assure. "One is plenty."

I run upstairs quickly and pull on a pair of jeans and a sweater. It may be April but it's still chilly. I race back downstairs. "By the way, happy April Fools Day." I say before racing out the door and up the path to the Lovegood's.
Before I even the knock the door is pulled open. "Happy birthday Alice."

"Thank you Mrs. Lovegood," I reply. "Oh please,"she says. "Call me Pandora."

I step inside to be greeted with a full blown tackle hug that knocks me to the ground. "Happy Birthday!" Luna shrieks. "Thanks Luna." I reply. She grabs me by the hand and pulls me up the stairs. When I get up there I see a floating sign that reads: Happy Birthday.

It's written in really sloppy writing so I'm assuming Luna wrote it. She'd either had her mom or dad charm it to float. Confetti rained down from the ceiling and balloons filled the room. "It's looks amazing, Luna," I say breathlessly. She runs over to her night stand and comes back with a little box. "Open it," she instructs. I pull off the lid. Inside is a little charm bracelet.

There are charms of all sorts. There's a river, a horse, a heart, and so much more. There is a silver locket attached. Inside is a picture of me and Luna smiling at the camera. Tears prick at the edges of my eyes. "I love it. It's beautiful." I tell her. Her eyes light up. "I had mommy make the charms." She explains. "She loves doing projects."

I slip it onto my wrist. It's one of the most thoughtful gifts I've ever gotten. I wipe the tears away. "So... do you want to go to the river?" She asks thoughtfully. I nod.

    As we walk down the grass hill, the air becomes moist. It's not raining, just more like we're walking into fog. I stand on the edge of the river, facing the water. I feel hands on my back pushing me forward. I stumble and trip and plunge into the ice cold water. I whip my head back up to see Luna on the ground with laughter. I put on a pout face and extend my hand. "Help me up please?" I ask.

   She grabs onto my hand and starts to pull me up but I pull harder and she topples in with me. "Hey that was mean," she says. "Fine," I say.

I pull myself out of the water, now soaking wet, and then reach down and pull Luna up. "I'm freezing cold," she says while shivering.

"Well, you have towels at your house. Last one there is a rotten egg." I take off running.

By the time we reach the house, I slow down to let Luna beat me there. By that time we had dried off a little. We walk over to the little shed on the side of the house. Inside are a couple towels. I pull out two and we dry off. Then we head back inside. "Oh, good. Your just in time for lunch."

We sit down at the table and enjoy a wonderful meal.

Back at home we sit in a circle in the family room. "Happy birthday to you..." my family finishes and then starts clapping. Mum hands us long parcels. We begin to tear at the rapping until three broomsticks fall out. My jaw drops. "We know how much you like using Bill and Charlie's brooms over the summer so we decided to get you some of your ow..." but she was cut off because of the tight hug I was giving her and dad.

    "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you," I sang happily before giving my triplets a look and heading outside with them on my heels. I mount my broom and kick of into the sky. My brooms a newer model than Bill or Charlie's. Fred, George, and I do a few laps around the house, with me being the fastest. Quidditch has always been one of my strong suits.

   Then I touched back down. Mum and Dad were both smiling. Ginny pulled me back into the family room. "My turn," she says brightly. The charm bracelet on my wrist jingles as I swing my arms. Ginny hands me a box. It's a lot smaller than the broomsticks. I open it to see extremely thin sticks that look flimsy wrapped around each other. In the very center is a little metal heart. Inside is a picture of me and Ginny.

   Now I have a charm bracelet and a locket. "Thanks Ginny," I say putting it on. "I love it." She smiles. Just then a loud screech comes from outside. Three black spots appear in the distance. They come closer and closer until I can make out the shape of three barn owls. "Goodness," I shriek falling sideways off the couch in excitement.

   I run outside where Fred and George are still admiring their gifts. "Owls," I shriek pointing up. Everyone stops and turns to look at the owls. "Our letters!" Fred says. The owls settle down on the ground in front of us and we run to pull off the letters. The envelope feels warm in my hand and I'm nearly bursting with excitement.

   The envelope reads:

   Ms. A. Weasley
   Biggest bedroom
   The Burrow

   I know this year's going to be awesome.

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