Chapter 1

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"Come on Georgie," I yelled throughout the house. "Come on Freddie."

   A loud THUMP, THUMP, THUMP as they ran down the stairs. I shrieked and pushed the front door open while running outside. Some nomes were walking across the lawn. The grass grows up around my ankle. As I get farther across the lawn there become more and more nomes. One small nome pops its head out of the ground.

   The edge of my grey sneaker catches the top of its head. I fall head first into the ground. My knee turns green with grass stains. I quickly flip over trying to get up but I'm instantly pushed back down. I lay flat on my back, laughing hysterically. "Freddie, Georgie," I squeal. "Stop it!"

   But they don't stop. They continue to tickle me until I finally choke out between laughs,"O-okay, F-fine. Y-you win." The stand up with identical grins on their faces. "Thanks little sis," Fred says. I put on my best scowl. "Just because you two are older by three minutes doesn't mean you can treat me like a child."

   "Oh yes it does, dear sis," George said. I roll my eyes as obnoxiously as possible. "And I thought no one could be as mean as Percy," I say with a wistful look. There faces turn to horror. "No... no..." George said quickly. "...we're sorry..." Fred continued. If there's anything that no one wants its to be like Percy.

   They both extend hands and I grasp them tightly. Then they help pull me off the ground. "Last one to the house is a rotten egg," I say and take off running. They stumble along behind me. We all end up reaching the house at the same time even though I got a head start. We burst into the house dripping sweat. "Morning," Mr. Weasley says while reading the newspaper.

   "Morning Dad," I say pulling up a chair at the kitchen table. "Anything new?" I ask. He sets down the paper. On the front page is a man with a bowler hat on walking around the ministry. The caption reads: Fudge declares,"No more owls."

   As fudge walks around, folded up papers fly by at head height. "There MEMOS." Fudge says.

   "Not much," dad responds. "We've had a couple raids nothing much. Still won't let us raid Malfoy Manor." I cringe. Malfoy Manor is home to the Malfoy's. One of the worst families ever in my opinion. They have a little boy about my little brother Ron's age, which would be nine. Fred, George and I are 10. Are birthday's tomorrow, on April first.

   I walk over to the cabinet pulling out three plates and setting them on the table. Fred and George sit down at the table eagerly. Mom comes down the stairs at that precise moment. She kisses dad on the top of the head, while Fred, George, and I make gagging noises, and then she walks over to the stove.

   I quickly sit down next to them. "Morning mum," I say. "Ya morning," Fred adds. "Morning." George says.
She walks over from the stove and takes turns kissing each of us on the top of the head. "Good morning," she says brightly. Then she puts a pile of scrambled eggs on all of our plates. We slowly eat our food. Probably the slowest we've ever been.

   "What's with taking so much time?" Dad asks. "We're trying to make the time go by to our birthday tomorrow." I answer before taking a small nibble. Dad laughs. I'm about halfway done when he stands up announcing,"I'm going to work."

   "Have a good day Arthur," Mum says.

"Goodbye Molly," he replies happily. "Bye kids. Tell your brother and sister I say hi." Then he walks out the door, leaving us to eat in silence.

  After I finish my meal, I skip upstairs to my sisters room. I push open the door, running inside. "Wake up, wake up, Ginny," I shout. She mumbles sleepily before sitting up. "Alice, why'd you do that." She says.

   "Because I wanted to." I respond. "Now do you want to go help me wake up Ron?" That wakes her up. She springs out of bed racing down the hall in her little, lacy nightgown. I sigh at my eight year old sisters energy. I quickly follow her through the halls and up the stairs. When I catch up she's  standing with her hand to Ron's door handle. "Wait," I whisper shout to her. She stops.

   I silently push open the door, holding her arm to make sure she doesn't run inside. I creep forward to the edge of his bed. Then I pick up Ginny and hold her out in front of me. Then I drop her.

   She land directly on Ron shrieking,"Wake up... wake up!!" At the top of her lungs. The small rumble of snores coming from Ron instantly stop. Ginny's still sitting on top of him flailing her arms around like crazy. "Alright, I'm up, I'm up," he shouts at her. But he looks mad. I see it and Ginny sees it. "Run," I mutter. We start dashing down the hall. Ron makes a frantic attempt to try to stop her as she jumps off the bed but he misses.

   We run and run and we don't stop until we are laying into two different couches downstairs. The crisp, March wind blows through the shutters making them rattle. Ron comes running downstairs, his face pink. He mumbles grumpily and sits down at the kitchen table next to Fred and George who just had the smallest bit of eggs left on there plates.

   "Well that was fun," Ginny said looking over at Ron before erupting in a fit of giggles. Fred and George give us confused looks and Ron just looks furious. "I was trying to get some sleep," he says.

   "Ya, and we were trying to stop you."

   Ginny giggles again. "Come on Ginny," I say, pulling her to her feet. "You need to get dressed. I'll help you pick out your clothes." The two of us race up the stairs. We get to her room and walk over to the closet. I pull out her favorite shirt. It's patterned with pink flowers. I hand it to her and she picks out a pair of blue jeans. Then I step out of the room so she can change.

   Five minutes later she comes running out. "Let's go outside," she says, dragging me by the hand.

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