Chapter 7

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"George!" I exclaim.

"Ooh, my turn," Fred says before throwing water at me. Lee joins in too. Soon all the kids in the boats are chanting "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT."

"All righ' all righ' that's enough," Hagrid says over all the chanting. The noise dies down as we turn around a corner. Hogwarts castle stands in front of us. It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen. "Oohs" and "Ahhs" can be heard from everywhere. It's a large castle with glistening lights shining from all around.

The boats pull up at a shore and I jump out, still soaking wet.

Hagrid leads us up toward the castle. We stop at the front door where Hagrid knocks. A witch opens the door. She is wearing emerald green robes and has her hair tied into a tight bun. Spectacles balance in the edge of her nose. Her hair is a dark brown but mixed with gray. "I am professor McGonagall." She says and Hagrid walks off.

She explains to us about our spring and the houses. She leads us into a large room. There are four long tables lined up with benches. Different color drapes hang on the ceiling over each table. The house tables. In the front of the room is a long table where the teachers sit. In front of that table is a stool. We walk up to the front of the room and McGonagall places a old hat that looks worse for wear.

An opening appears right at its seam. It looks like a mouth. And that appears to be what the hat is using it as. It starts singing. The song tells about the four founders of Hogwarts and the different qualities in each house. Finally is stops and the hall erupts into cheers. It quiets down when McGonagall pulls out a scroll and starts to read off names. "Klasing, Emma." Is one of the first people called. The hat is placed on her head.

It think for a minute before shouting," Ravenclaw." Her blond hair bobs up and down as she skips to the Ravenclaw table, a large smile on her face. "Johnson, Angelina." She goes to Gryffindor. Some more people are called. Two go to Slytherin, three to Hufflepuff. "Healy, Maxwell." He goes to Gryffindor.

"Jordan, Lee." Is called. I cross my fingers. "Gryffindor," the hat shouts. Nice. Then,"Weasley, Alice." My breath catches in my throat and my legs wobble as I walk up the steps. I sit down on the stool and the hat is placed on my head. It falls over my eyes. A small voice appears in the back of my head. It's the hat.

Ah, Weasley. Well let's see. Very ambitious. Not Hufflepuff, too much of a prankster. A great mind, Ravenclaw would be a good fit. Very loyal, brave. I know...

"Gryffindor!" My face turns into a smile as I walk to the Gryffindor table. I sit down next to Lee who high-fives me. Then I turn back to the sorting. "Weasley, Fred." Is next. The hat thinks for a minute. I assume it's talking to him just like it talked to me. "Gryffindor," I yells finally. Then,"Weasley, George." The hat doesn't think as long as it did for me. "Gryffindor."

The sorting finishes soon after. Dumbledore, the headmaster, stands up and says just two words. "Dig in." Our plates pile with food of all sorts. Mashed potatoes, beans, chicken, steak, and all sorts I've never even heard of. I take Dumbledore advice and start eating. It was one of the best meals I've ever had. Everything was cooked to perfection.

    After dinner, I'm completely stuffed. My stomach feels like it might explode. Dumbledore stands up and gives some rules. "The forbidden forest is out of bounds to all students." He says. I smile. I don't think a rule will be able to keep the Weasley triplets out. We go over all the general things like no dueling, no magic in the corridor.

    Then he lets us leave. The prefects at our table all stand up. "Gryffindor first years follow me," a girl with dark brown hair says. She walks us out of the hall and down the endless maze of corridors. A silvery white figure floats over our head. "Good evening," the figure says. "Good evening Sir Nicholas," the prefect says.

    "Sir Nicholas is the Gryffindor ghost," she whispers in my ear. "But a lot of people call him nearly headless Nick."

   I stifle a laugh with my hand. We keep walking and people shout out at us from the paintings on the wall. Some introducing themselves, some saying some... er... rather nasty comments that the prefect, who introduced herself as Aaliyah West, had to yell at them about. Finally we made it to the floor in which the common room is on.

    Aaliyah stops in front of a portrait of a rather fat lady. "Password?" She asks.

    "Hippogriff," Aaliyah answers and the portrait swings open to reveal a lush common room. Squashy armchairs and fluffy couches are all over the room. Desks and circular tables sit in the corner of the room for homework. A fire cackles in the fireplace. The room looks so warm and inviting. "Girls dorms up the staircase on the left, boys dorms up the staircase on the right.

   Two staircase stretch up to the upper part of the room and split off into doors. "Goodnight," I say, hugging Fred, George, and Lee before running up the stairs. "Night," they shout back. I push open the door to my room. Four beds stand there. I walk over to one of them and see that my trunk is already there. I hear the door swing open and see that girl from the sorting standing there.

    "Angelina Johnson," she says asking my hand. "Alice Weasley," I reply shaking her hand. She seems really nice. Two more girls come in and introduce themselves as Serena and Grace. Looks like I have a lot to look forward to. I have some great friends and Hogwarts seems amazing. I grab my pajamas and step into the bathroom.

I come out in my baggy black sweatpants and white tank top. I slip into bed and lay my head on my pillow. Drowsiness takes over me and soon I'm asleep.

This chapter has two of my great friends in it. Emma Klasing and Max Healy. They are the biggest Harry Potter fans I know, besides me, so I decided to put them in the house that they told me they were in. Hope your enjoying the story so far. I sure am enjoying making it. Remember to comment and vote.

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