•Chapter 34•

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"I was 18 when I met Christian. He was 25 and I was completely smitten by him. It was going good for the most part. He treated me so good, gave me everything I wanted. Paid for me to finish college after my dad cut me off. We got married when I was 22, eloped really. Everything went bad from then on. He started beating me, rape me. Basically do anything bad that you could think about to me. When I had my first pregnancy he made me abort the baby said we weren't ready. Turned out he already had someone else pregnant, my sister Evelyn. He stopped going behind my back once I found out and sometimes I would walk in on them fucking. I got pregnant again but this time I didn't say anything. I tried running away to my father's house but Evelyn found me and told him where I was. Took me home and beat the hell out of me before taking me to the hospital to have yet another baby taken from me. My sister watched the entire thing and didn't lift a finger to help me. She said it serves me right for not being a good wife to my husband and that I didn't deserve his kindness. When my sister had her baby he was so happy. I realized that I meant nothing to him. So I set him up. He was starting off in the drug game and was very thorough and careful not to get caught. I knew the ins and outs of the business so I gave all the information to the police. One night they invaded the house and my sister and the baby got caught in the cross hairs. Died on the spot. The police locked Christian away and when the court case came up the judge said the evidence wasn't enough to put him away for long. If he got out now it must have been for good behavior because he got 10 years. After that I filed for divorce but he wouldn't sign the papers. I have tried moving past all of this but it isn't easy for me to trust anyone. That's why I am jealous of the relationship you and Jordan have. I never had that with someone."

"Now he's out do you think he would come after you? I mean if is trying to get at you he will go after Jordan and your brother will not hesitate to give him up."

"Don't you think I know all of this already. That is why I told you everything so you know what we are up against."

"We? Ain't no we. It's all you, Jordan not coming back after all that was thrown at him. His only concern is his baby."

"How are you so sure? Jordan is just talking out of anger, as soon as he has calmed down we will have a long talk and sort everything out."

"I like your optimism. Take it from someone who actually knows him. He won't be back, at least for you anyway. You done fucked him over too many times. How hard is it to just be honest with him? Honestly Jordan is the most understanding, non judgmental person you can find these days. He holds nothing against you and accept you for you, flaws and all. You know how many people would love to have a guy like that? "

"Only one is coming to mind," I said sarcastically.

I ended the recording on my phone and dialed Heather's number.

"Hmph, you know what your not worth it. If you'll excuse me I am going home to check up on our man."

"Really bitch, you have some nerve coming in here trying to claim something that's not even yours to take. Jordan will never leave me to be with you. That's just who he is, loyal."

"I guess your right about that. Jordan's one flaw is never giving up on those he cares about, loyal to the end. So what if he doesn't leave you, I still get to sit on his face anytime I want," I said with a huge smirk on my face.

I turned to leave as her face fell. Walking out if the room and into the elevator I felt victorious. Basking in my glory I almost forgot Heather was on the line.

"Oh hey Heather, sorry about that."

"You went too far Emani,"

"No I didn't she was being a bitch all afternoon. Her face was priceless though. It was funny."

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