•Chapter 37•

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"How about you just give it a break for awhile. Let's take a vacation! Like a trip to a little bed and breakfast in California. I swear New York be too damn cold. All of us, including Bella."

"Sounds good to me, if she agrees fine by me. If not we tried."

I haven't seen or heard from Bella in a couple days. She doesn't answer when I call but text me to say everything is fine with the baby. Whenever I do go to her house she doesn't come out. Today I was went to take Emani to the doctor for a check up so I was extremely concerned.

“Do you mind if we stop off at Bella's on the way?”

“No I don't. I'm actually worried about her which is weird. Maybe it's me being worried about the baby because it's yours I really don't know.” she ended with a shrug.

I pulled over to her driveway which held a mysterious car. I looked up at the house and noticed movements by the curtains.

“Stay in the car and lock the doors,” I told Emani before making my way out of the car.

I ran up the driveway and pounded on the door. When it swung open I came face to face with Bella's bum ass husband.

“Why are you beating my door down? My wife is trying to rest so I would appreciate it if you leave. Also stop calling it's getting annoying.”

“Excuse me,”

“You're excused, ” he said slamming the door in my face.

I stood there dumbstruck. I banged on the door again more furiously than the first time. This time it was Bella who opened it.

“Whst do you wany Jordan?”

“What do I want?! How the fuck you going be up here playing house with this nigga while you carrying my baby? I call you don't answer for weeks!”

“What's your point?” she asked nonchalantly.

She looked at me like I was irritating her.

“We need to talk starting with why is that nigga in your house? After all the shit this nigga did to you, you let him come back again?!”

“I don't have to explain myself to you or anyone else for that matter. This my life and legally he is still my husband so do us both a favor and don't come back. Leave me and my family alone.”

“Your family? That's my baby you're carrying Bella don't get it fucked up,” I yelled at her making her flinch.

“You need to leave Jordan,” he said making his way outside blocking Bella in the process.

We had an intense stare off before I walked back off the porch. I made my way down the walk way and watched as he helped her inside. After Emani unlocked the car, I hopped in and sped off to my house ignoring Emani's questions.

When I got home, I took my time getting out the car and helping Emani into the house. My mind was going to fast to process what in the actual fuck is going on with Bella. What does that have on her to make her turn her back on everyone and run to him? I understand she mad that I got Emani pregnant but I didn't think she was that mad to go back with that nigga.

“Something don't add up,” she said breaking me out my thoughts.

“What you talking bout?”

“How does one go from hiding from someone to now living with them. Don't make no sense which is why I think he is threatening her. Maybe he threatened to kill you or the baby and she is just pushing you away to protect herself,” she rambled.

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