It's all about survival!

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"They said it was miles better here! That hardly anyone had the virus, and those that did were in quarantine."
Gary said before slowly lifting his head to look at us from across the fire.
"They said everything was under control!" He continued, smugly. I moved closer to Josie who was squeezing my mums arm tightly.
"Yeah, completely under control, huh?" He shouted towards the sky. We had built a fire in a car park nearby and were huddled around it. I looked around, about a dozen walkers (the new name Grandma came up with) began circling us. Shizzle!

My mum gave a sharp look at Gary and frowned, Gary rolled his eyes. I'll have to save the day. Again.

I sighed and escaped from my mums grip, I felt like Doughie a free dog. To roam wherever I want.

Quickly I crouched down and crawled passed two very tall walkers, fortunately they didn't see me. Yes! I clambered up to a nearby truck it seemed a browny red, maroon colour but I couldn't tell for sure through the doomy darkness of the night. I sneaked in to the big car and anxiously pressed every button I saw. I found the stereo, it was playing music so I opened the doors and turned the volume to max. "...WE'RE ALMOST THERE...AH OH WE'RE LIVING ON A PRAYRE..." The truck burst with sound, attracting every walker surrounding us. They turned from the petrified threesome, and towards the blasting car. Yes! My plan worked!

Wait...a dozen walkers are heading towards me. I had to think fast on my feet, I dived out of the opposite car door landing on the stoney road below, gaining a few grazes and a probable bruise, I skimmed the back of the car and hid behind it until all of the walkers were scratching at the car door, and attempting to climb into the car.

I ran back to the others, we were near a forest, so I pushed everyone into it while the walkers were still distracted. We traipsed until sunrise still searching for a safe fort. After what seemed like hours of walking, we found one: it was a little cabin-thing. Then round the back was a metal type of garage-type-room. I don't really know what it was but it would last us until we find a real safe haven-that is if, we find a safe haven. All we need is hope. There was a table in the middle of the room, and some grey duck tape in the centre I happily took it and ripped a piece off. OWW! It really hurt my mouth. I strapped Gary's guns onto it below. "That's where we'll keep it!" I state with a snobby smile on my face and my fists on my hips. Josie sniggered.
"It's like watching a super hero movie!" She said sarcasticly, with a massive grin on her face.
"Yeah, and your my sidekick Jo, no, lo, ho?" I said, we sniggered at the last one. "What about Go Jo?!" I suggest. She smiles at me.

"Ok Molly the Wally!" I give a teasing frown. We burst laughing again. I saw my mum smile as she glances over at us. "Kids!" She told Gary. He nodded in agreement.

Days passed, days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and soon we had been at the cabin for about 10 months but who's knowing the date?
Fortunately we haven't had many encounters, only the odd walker caught in the fence me and Garry set up. It's quite clever really, we found pieces of scrap metals an spiked them out of the ground with wood and barb wire, spread around the perimeter of the cabin. Lets just say its hard for a human to go through never mind a walker. It's quite weird really watching them stuck on the spike, almost sad. It's quite quiet too, apart from the occasional visitors who needed a place to stay for a night or two. There are some strange people out there.

Not long ago: it must have been about four months ago, two women came. One: weak with pale skin. She was very thin and quite bony-as if she was ill. Her long blond curly hair cascaded down her back and was quite dirty looking, along with her face which was covered in mud.

The other: strong, fit and healthy. She owned a Samari sword which she constantly wore on her shoulder. She also never smiled; her personality was almost as dark as her black braided hair. The only colour she wore was her patterned bandana. And her tatty boots were similar to mine.
The Blonde haired women pleaded that they stay but the survival freak said they shouldn't, and they consequently, carried on with their travelling.

Although People die, Love survives- A Carl grimes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now