In the hallways

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"Why?" I asked raising my eyebrow, to the frowning boy.
"I did it to protect you" he said looking into my eyes. He looked down to the lifeless man on the floor, and turned his head over to the other gobsmacked people beside of him.
"I had to, to protect all of you" Hershel looked to dead boy, then at the pleading carl...
"But carl he was surrendering-"
"You don't know that, he could of shot at you, or me, or...Molly. Any of us." He looked over towards me.
"Molly? Didn't he? He was dangerous, wasn't he?" He looked at me, with sadness on his face.
"I...I...Carl, he was so young, he was putting down his gun...I don't think-"
"Ugh, I hate you, all of you" he scrunched up his face and began storming off. "If it was Dad or Daryl who shot him. I'm sure you would all praise them, as saviours" he grunted under his breath.

I feel kind of bad now, I guess it's all Carl knows to do...kill. He is going through quite a lot of stress, with his mums, death. I hate that word: death. It just makes me think off a never endless blackness, and being forgotten. Just another headstone in the graveyard-or walker. Unless, of course we all go to heaven and live in peace with god and other dead people...Gosh, now I'm thinking about it the world is massive and still it's populated with people every way you turn-well walkers now. So heaven must be bigger than earth to hold all the people from all the ages and animals and stuff, everyone-well most people.
If God was Real or any type of creator then I'm sure they wouldn't put us through so much, hatred, pain, sadness, fear...I hate the fact even my beliefs are changing, what if I become a different person, after all this?

At the end of the attack and the people from wood-something had gone, I noticed Hershel talking to rick. I decided to go and find my mum, and Josie, but mostly my mum to check she's alright. I saw her sitting in her cell so I walked over to see her.
"Hi mum" I said before sitting down next to her, she looked up at me and smiled.
"Oh hey Hun...are you ok after that?" She asked putting her arm around me and pulling me closer to her.
"Yeah fine, what about you, did you get hurt, it was very tense" I asked, she kissed me on the cheek and ruffled up my hair.
"No. Don't you worry about me, I'm just fine" she said with a smile across her face. "Now go and find Josie or Carl" she said pushing me out the cell, she looked like she was reading a book. I nodded obediently and left on a search for my friends. I wandered the halls for a while until I saw Carl slumped against a wall.

"Hi" I said crouching down beside of him, he just ignored me, stood up and pulled me in to a nearby room.
"Hey" he replied, his eyes were bloodshot and his voice crackled a bit-he's been crying.
"Whats up?" I asked concern echoed in my voice. He shuffled his feet looking to the floor.
"Nothing" his voice trailed off. I felt guilty. It's my fault he looked to me for help when he was getting criticised, but I just agreed with everyone else. I took a deep breath in.
"I'm sorry Carl, I should of stood up for you, I know you were only trying to protect us" he smiled at me, I think I'm forgiven! "Why did you bring me in here?"I asked, his face went blank again. He bit his lip.
"Well, after we got back to the jail, Hershel told my dad about how I shot the boy, and..." I frowned. "He has taken my gun off me" he moaned. Oh no! What If he needs to defend himself? If he gets attacked by a walker alone? What if no one is there to save him? I can't loose Carl.
"No. You will be defenceless! What if you get attacked by a walker?" I shook my head angrily. "Here take my knife I don't, want you getting hurt" I carefully placed my knife into his dirty palm.
"Thanks" he said smiling" but Molly that's not the main reason" I looked up in confusion. What else is wrong.
"Well I brought you in hear because, when I saw you talking and laughing with your mom in your cell, it reminded me that I don't have my mom any more..." Oh poor Carl! I have no idea how it must feel to shoot your own mother, I couldn't. He is so brave. Rick had told me that Carl, had to shoot his mum to stop her from re-animating into a walker.
"And, when my mom was alive, if anything ever bothered me I would always tell her, and talk to her about it and she'd help me. But now that she's gone, my problem is missing her, and I can't talk to her about it 'cause she's dead" he started crying. "I want my mom back, I miss her so much! I can never talk to my dad he's too caught up in protecting everyone! And all this governor stuff. I guess I just, haven't got over her." I hugged him as he cried into my sholdour.

"Carl, I know how you feel loosing someone close to you, is very hard. I had to shoot my Grandma too, my mum is the only family I have left. I treasure every moment with her and you should too, about your dad. Why don't you tell him how you feel,? After all he lost her too! And she's not gone, she will always be with you, here" I reassured him pointing to his heart. He stopped crying and wiped away a tear.
"Thanks mol, your my best friend, you know that, right?" He hugged me again. His big warm arms wrapped a around me.
"It still doesn't explain why you pulled me in here, couldn't you of told me that in the hallway?" I asked breaking away from the hug. He blushed, looking down to his feet.
"A walker, might of come?" he said it more like a question though. I laughed he is a terrible Lier.
"Right...want to go back to-" suddenly carl kissed me on the lips interrupting me from the sentence I was saying. Did Carl just...kiss me? I mean. WOW! He blushed going red in the face. "I...I've got to go..." I said quickly taking off before Carl could stop me. I started running in the corridor, back to the cells to tell Josie, maybe, probably not, no. I'm going to the cells to think about what just happened.
"Molly, wait!" I heard Carl shout from behind me, but I didn't stop.

Grr...oh no walkers! Perfect timing...
Suddenly two walkers were heading towards me, and I have no weapons on me, I gave my knife to Carl...stupid me. How did they get in anyway? I turned around and started running in the opposite direction, back towards Carl, I could hear them getting closer. Shizzle! My shoelace had come undone. No I can't stop, I've got to keep running! I tripped over my shoelace, falling to the floor. I quickly began tying it. Come on. Come on. I lost my grip because I was rushing and had to start again. The growling got louder! The walkers were getting closer. Soon I saw them turn the corner and they were heading strait towards me. Great, I'm gonna die because my shoelace was untied! I'm such a cults.
Quickly I stood up and started running through the dark corridor. It seemed to never end, blood trails covered the floor. Dead walkers or eaten corpses were slumped against walls and in corners. It was like something from horror movie! To be honest my life now, is a horror movie...

Soon enough the walkers were just metres away, mouth watering eager to catch their new feast. I was now the defenceless one. I Just kept running. OWCH!!! I had badly hurt my foot. Falling to the ground, I was hopeless.
One of the walkers jumped on top of me, and was gnashing its teeth above my face, I was holding it off, but I knew i couldn't refrain it from biting me for much longer. This was the end.
It's green eyes glared at me hungrily as it growled. Why were they full of so much hatred? Enough was enough I shouted the words I always dreaded to hear people say, and now I'm the one saying it.
"HELP!!!" I screamed. "PLEASE ANYONE, AHHH!!!" No one was coming. I guess this is it, the end of my story, the end of my life.

In a flash all my hope was restored when the walker on top of me fell to my side. Still. And the other one was dead on the floor with a knife in his head. I sat up as a small figure with a sheriffs hat on, pulled the knife out of the walkers head.
"Carl?" I asked into the darkness. The figure got closer and I could see my best friend in the streak of light from a high up window.
"Molly, are you ok? Did it bite you?" He said running over to me. I shook my head and hugged him tightly. He was my hero. If it wasn't for Carl I would be a walkers dinner. "No It didn't bite me but I hurt my foot that's why I fell" I said, looking down to my painful foot. It was in a strange position.
"Jees, that looks bad let me help you up" he said carefully lifting me up onto my good foot. "Does that hurt?"
"No it's fine" I said gritting my teeth, he put my arm around his shoulder. We began heading back to the cells. "Carl, I'm sorry for running off like that" I said through the pain, Carl peered at me.
"No, im sorry for kissing you, I just don't know what came over me, I'm the one who should be sorry..." He said. I stopped, and stared at Carl, he frowned slightly.
"No, Carl, I only ran away because...I've never been kissed before...and I kind of..." I started looking into his eyes at his beautiful face. "Liked it" he blushed. "It's just I promised myself I wouldn't fall for another boy again, and I wanted to keep to that promise"I said, Carl smiled slightly.
"So, you do like me?" He asked, I wish I could run away from him so I wouldn't have to say the wrong answer to him. But I won't because carl, is cute, handsome, brave, kind, funny, caring, loveable and innocent, he wouldn't hurt me like Rob. Plus, I've hurt my ankle anyway.
"Yeah, I guess a bit" I lied I like him a lot! He beamed with happiness.
"Oh ok and I am sorry for taking you by surprise, I shocked myself kissing you, but I don't regret it, well, we better get back dinner's probably ready now, anyway-" I quickly kissed him on the cheek, and practically had a blush attack.
"It's ok carhaha, and yeah I'm starving, race you there" I began limping as quick as I could to avoid the embarrassment. He immediately caught up to me, seeming as he was actually running.
"Molly stop your going to hurt yourself",he was right soon enough I tripped over a walker corpse and plummeted to the ground. Carl quickly swooped me off, of my feet and carried me down the corridor.
"Let me go! I can walk there myself" I screamed attempting to get out of his grip but he didn't let me go. We eventually got to the cell blocks.
He pushed open the bar door with his foot and rushed into the block over to Hershel.

"Whats happened?" Hershel asked alarmed, as Carl placed me on a bed.
"She hurt her foot running away from a few walkers, I think she's broken it" he replied.
"Ok thanks for bringing her to me, you did the right thing carrying her here, but I think you should leave for now" he said nodding to Carl. Hershel untied my shoelace and took my boot off, of the foot I've hurt, he pressed hard on different areas.
"Does that hurt?" he asked each time he pressed down, I nodded in pain every time. "Young Carl here is right, you have broken it, very badly!" He said, oh no that means while I'm recovering I will be defenceless against the walkers! "You will have a bandage on for quite a while but as long as you don't work it too hard but still move it, so it doesn't go stiff, I'm sure it will be fine...also because your only young it will heal quite quickly, anyway" he said, I nodded, it better heal quickly! "The most important thing is rest and you should get a lot of it your body heals best when your asleep! I suggest going to bed early after dinner" I nodded my head, if if I wanted to get better I've got to follow what Hershel says to do because he knows best. So bed at six it is for me. He left the room and Carl and Josie entered.
"Are you ok?" Josie said running over to me hugging me tightly. I nodded my head. "Where have you been this afternoon after the attack I lost you, I have been looking for you everywhere!" She said, hugging me again.
"I've been looking for you too..." I lied.
"What did Hershel say? Is it broken?" Carl interrupted, gently pushing Josie aside.
"Erm, yep he says it's badly hurt and I've got to relax it and rest it but move it every once in a while, so it doesn't go stiff. He said the only way I can get better is extra sleep so I'm going to bed strait after tea!" I said, carl frowned in confusment.
"We're having a cup of tea for dinner?" He asked, me and Josie burst out laughing. "What?" he asked.
"Where were from, we say 'tea' as another word for dinner, haha I guess it's just a British thing..." I said laughing, Carl joined in too, realising how funny his statement probably sounded to us.
"Why call it that though?" He asked, now that I think about it I don't know why, it's quite weird really...
"Well, I don't know, maybe because we like tea so much...and they would say lets have tea, you know 'afternoon tea' I don't know..." I said we all laughed again. My mum came in interrupting us to say that dinner was ready, it was carrot soup-disgusting, but I guess better than rabbit, that's what I always say and it helps me eat whatever disgusting meal is in front of me. And the soup actually wasn't that bad.

Like I had said, that I would go strait to bed after tea, I did just that. When I was in bed, and I was nice and comfy I just couldn't get to sleep. I couldn't get Carl and the kiss out of my head...

Although People die, Love survives- A Carl grimes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now