Miss me?

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The door creaked as Daryl carefully pushed it open he ran inside, he looked to his left then his right. "CLEAR!" He shouted, before furthering into the house. He was soon followed by rick who ran in the opposite direction, I looked at carl, is this what it's always like on supply runs?

Carl entered inside "I will take the far room" he shouted before disappearing into the blackness of the house. I was stood in the door-way, constantly checking behind me that there was no walkers, heading towards me.

Opposite the house we were searching was a playground. Paint was peeling off the railing which encompassed it. It looked old and abandoned; the swing chain was rusty, the slide had ivy growing up it and the wooden see-saw was crumbling and weathered. It looked like it had been abandoned for years (At least before the breakout). The wind whistled. The derelict street was just one black fleck off depression amongst the rest of the world.

"Molly, stop staring into space and get inside" ordered rick as he brushed past me heading towards a nearby room. I looked around, most of the rooms had been searched, but not upstairs. I paced up the stairs they were cold stone and were very grand, the banister parallel to me. Every step I took, made a quiet clink sound, as if I was wearing high heels. I felt like I was on my way to an old fashioned ball with the royal family, invitation tucked elegantly underneath my fury, sashed scarf covering my shoulders...Wake up Molly! Stop day dreaming! Your not going to a party with the royal family! Their dead! Your not dressed in rich clothes! Your wearing jeans and a t-shirt! Your not wearing high heals your wearing scruffy black boots! Persuades if theres anyone up there, they will be dead! I can't imagine any walkers doing the waltz anyway! I laughed to myself at that, actually quite loud.

My heart sank when I entered the first room it was a playroom. Their were broken toys on the floor, arms from baby dolls scattered around the room. A blown down, red bouncy ball was hiding amongst some dust in the corner. The room was a gloomy pit of abandon. It was colder in there too! I could sense something bad had happened there. Something bad had happened in this whole street.

"Shhhh!" I turned around there was no one there! "Molly..." The voice trailed off. I looked around the room scanning behind every piece of furniture checking that Carl or Daryl weren't trying to scare me.

"Hello? Carl? Daryl it's...it's not funny...ok?" I stammered looking over my shoulder then turning back around. I walked around the room. I could feel my heart beating extremely fast.

"How could you leave me, Molly? How could you? We've been friends the whole of our lives!" The voice moaned. "Who...who..are you?" I said stepping backwards towards the wall. My heels knocked against a plastic-baby-doll, I slipped onto the floor immediately! I was now sitting with my knees to my stomach, on the floor shaking with fear.

"Don't you remember my voice?" The voice sounded familiar, it was a young girls. "You wouldn't, your too selfish to notice other people. I'm surprised your not dead by now. I bet everyone can't stand you! I bet they wish it was someone else in your place! I've seen the way that carl looks at you he secretly hates you!" My lip trembled the words the voice was saying felt like a walker reached its hand inside me and pulled out my heart. "He does?" I asked my voice chocking.

The voice laughed."you know, Molly. Your mum and Josie are very disappointed in you and your gran, nan was her name? They blame you for grans death. They all hate you, So do I!" The voice cackled. I longed for someone to come upstairs, quick but no one came. Maybe they do hate me...

"YOU!" The voice screamed. "Have caused me immense pain! So I will cause you it!" The voice cackled again. I swallowed. Come on! Someone please carhaha? Daryl? Rick? One of you please save me! Suddenly there was an ear bursting scream of pain, screeching down my ears. My head was to the floor. My hands over my ears. Tears trickling down my face. It seemed to last forever...it finally stopped.

I looked up. I wasn't in the playroom anymore I was at a clean, new house, in a living room. The tv on. I walked into the corridor, I know this house. I recognise it well. A picture of a family was cracked on the floor, I picked it up and carefully placed it on the shelf above it. I continued into the house soon I was in another room. Then on the floor I saw her...the pieces of the puzzle connected. The voice. The cruel acclaims. It was Emily!

"Emily!" I screamed, my voice emotional. She looked up at me, her eyes slowly closing, blood spilling out of her. It was a horrific sight. "No! No! No!" I screamed tears streaming down my face. Oh no I forgot! I looked up to see her family (as walkers) come towards me. They jumped on top of me pinning me down to the floor and each one took a chunk of flesh from me. It hurt so much! I couldn't move I was paralysed. I couldn't scream for help, I couldn't push them off. The pain was unbearable...I looked over to Emily who had just arose her blue eyes, now yellowy-orange, anger filled her soul! She reached forward and bit me crunching away at me. Her face spluttering blood all over me. My eyes started to blacken. This is the end! I see red, lots of red then just black...nothingness black.

Although People die, Love survives- A Carl grimes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now