You don't understand!

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Carl's P.O.V

I woke up. And instead of smelling carols delicious breakfast she makes for us every morning, it stunk of...blood?

I opened my eyes quickly to see a walker banging on the jail cell door. Ok. This is not morning.

"Dad!" I cried, "dad! There's a walker at the gate." But my 'clever','brave' dad who is the leader of our group decides to just lie on his fat ass, snoring.

I rolled my eyes and shined a torch onto the walker. It's teeth we're gnashing together and it's arms were reaching through the bars attempting to grab me, but failing.

I sighed before picking up my dads small knife from off, of the table and placing it through the walkers head, to find it annoyingly not harming it. Oh, I must of stabbed it to low. I grabbed hold of the small handle of the knife and pulled on it to pull it out. It didn't budge.

Aggressively I pulled on the weapon inside the walkers skull, without success. It was stuck like benny boogers finger to his nostril-ugh that dude was always picking his nose! I almost puked in my mouth one day when I saw him eat it! If I got a quarter for every time he ate one I would be rolling in dollars by now. Well, I would of. But I don't think thousands of dollars could help against the walkers. It would actually be quite funny.

Like throwing one dollar notes at them haha. You could build like, a massive model of the Eiffel Tower or the Leaning tower of pizza-i mean pesa and just push it on a few-

I dazed of thinking. The walker's mouth was centimetres from my hand.

Phew! That was close. I quickly grabbed my dads pen-knife from his hand and stabbed it downwards from the top of the walkers head. It must of worked because the walkers body became paralysed, then dropped to the floor.

I caught my breath for a moment. How could it of got in after we'd sealed all the entrances?

Oh whatever! I checked dad was asleep. He was; snoring like a pig! I'm surprised he's sleeping! All he ever does anymore is freak out and spend most of his time alone, or in his cell.

Since Mom died he's not been the same...

I mean he's never even held Judith without bursting into tears. It's sad as well. There were a few people maybe two or three people I'd rescued from being attacked by walkers. One of them seemed ill, so I locked them in a different place than us. They seemed nice enough. I was in charge while dad was out tryna' sort things out with the governor.

When he got back to the prison though, he went like proper phyco! Screaming, Shouting, knocking things over: he demanded the people I'd rescued to go-well that was pointless. I'm still annoyed with him for that.

He was in a deep sleep as I took the locker key from his belt and carefully twisted the key into the keyhole. I twisted it and opened the cell. creak!

I bit my lip as I closed it shut behind me as silent as possible. Cautiously stepping over the walker lying motionless on the floor, I began walking down the corridor past some empty cells before I could reach where mo-the others were staying.

Wait. I need a weapon. Rather than risking waking my dad up, I just decided to get the knife stuck inside of the walkers head. If I can...

Although People die, Love survives- A Carl grimes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now