Lost another

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Darren led me to a clearing in the Forrest. In the centre was a small fire burning, two logs surrounded the fire and a man and young girl sat upon them. I'm assuming the man was his father and the girl is that Lucy person. They were talking about something and laughing. As they noticed Darren approaching they stood up and hugged him so tight as if they hadn't seen him for a year.

"Darren! Where have you been? We were so worried! We'd thought maybe a walker had got you so I gave Lucy the last bit of squirrel-I hope you don't mind..." The man said, well I think that's what he said he talked so quick he sounded like one of those rappers that rap so quick you don't know what on earth they're saying.

Darren shook his head looking down sadly. "I'm only joking laddy" his dad said ruffling Darren's perfect hair, he too had an Irish accent-slightly thicker than Darren's though.

Then he noticed me...

"Who, are you?" He asked his tone was very vicious.

"I..I..I'm...I'm..." Darren thankfully stepped in for me.

"This is Josie I found her struggling in the forest." His dad frowned. "She says she has a camp, dad, with more people and walls and medical people. It will be safe. At least until we can get back on the road, and...".

"No!" Darren's father said. "You don't know who she is! They could be dangerous Darren I want you and Lucy to be safe. I don't want to risk it the answer is no!"

"But dad..."

"N-O spells No!" Suddenly from behind a tree, more than a dozen walkers emerge and one takes a massive bite into Darren's dads neck. I immediately stab it with a stick off, of the floor. I grab his fathers arm and lead him towards the path back to the Forrest Darren and Lucy run after us. We run very fast my adrenalin kicks in and zoom. Soon we've lost the walkers but we all just keep running until we reach the prison gates. I guess N-O doesn't spell no after all.

Darren's Father cried out in pain.


Maggie and michonne saw us and immediately came to help. The rest was a blur...

All you need to know is now Darren and Lucy-yes brother and sister are now orphans. And that horrid night will never leave my mind for a long time...


I woke up and went to breakfast as per usual. Sighing, I slumped down opposite Molly, who was concentrating on stirring some mush in her bowl.

"Good morning" I muttered sheepishly. She looked up from her mush, nodded her head, then continued her stirring. She seemed half asleep, despite the fact she was up before me and I'm wide awake-ish.

"So, has Josie found her picture of her family yet, or no?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"No, she hasn't...actually come to think about it, I haven't seen Jo all morning." She seemed to be zooming back to reality.


"Yeah. She had already left the cell when I woke up so I assumed she was in the dinner hall, but she's not..." She stood up immediately and started heading towards Rick.

"Yes, but didn't you wonder where she was when you came in here?"

She stopped and turned to me,"no I guess I was so tired I forgot" she snapped.

I stood back and watched her scarper over to where my dad was standing talking to Daryl and Carol...

"Have any of you seen Josie?" She asked, Dad nodded his head.

"She went outside to get some air about three hours ago and hasn't come back in yet so I guess she's still out there."

Molly sighed with relief before coming back and taking a seat next to me.

"So where is she, then?"

"Outside" Molly replied before placing a mouthful of mush into her mouth.

Then there was an awkward silence for a while which consisted of Molly eating and me staring into space, daydreaming.

Suddenly we heard gun shots. BANG. BANG. Molly and I exchanged looks, before standing up and rushing to the window along with everyone else in the room. To our horror we saw Maggie and Michone helping a man, who seems to have been bitten on his left leg, across the field towards the prison, behind followed three children; one of which was Josie. Dad and Daryl went to the door to help them in.

When everyone was safe inside they lowered the man onto the breakfast table me and carl were eating on knocking Molly's mush onto the floor. Hershel and Sonia rushed over to him but there wasn't much they could do. Carol pushed all of the kids out of the room except for the children who were with the man and Josie, so none of us knew what happened next except Josie and the other two kids but they were too traumatised to tell us.

All we know is that when we finally were aloud back in the man was gone, the children who were with the man were crying, and there was a lot of blood-the floor was practically scarlette.

A/N sorry I haven't updated for ages I'd decided to give up on the story and then my friend read it and was begging me to update so I got bored and thought I would.lol. Thank you for all my votes and comments it means a lot! I know this is a short chapter but I had to end it here, because the next bit is a completely different thing and it wouldn't really flow. Anyway I'm probs boring you so byeeeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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