Chapter 2

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Anna's pov.

it was still dark out and i shiver a little from my fear of being alone in the dark. the sun was starting to come up so my cold house had a little light shining in so it would start to warm up soon. i was hungry but didn't have the money to get food for the day seeing as how i did not have to work tonight so i wouldn't be getting a free meal at all today. i sigh softly as i pull the blankets closer to my body, to be honest i was feeling sick and didn't want to worry about leaving my house. i knew i would have to at some point but now wasn't the time. i close my eyes to fall back asleep but was woken up to the sound of something gently knocking on my door. a little confused as to who would be here this early let alone at all seeing as how i have never in my life brought anyone here so no one knew where i lived. i walk slowly over to the door and open it before gasping a little when i was meet with golden eyes. "Mr. Faustus what are you doing here?" i ask as i try to hide behind my door so he would not see me in my night cloths. "Anna my master has offered you a job and we would be happy if you were to take it. he will pay you more than what you are being paid now as well as giving you new cloths, three meals a day and a place to sleep." he says and i bite my lip as i think about what was offered to me.

it would be a warm place to stay and i would be feed several times so i didn't have to worry about when or what i was going to eat. "i suppose it would be a good offer and i would not have to worry about my boss's son any more." i say slowly as i look shyly up at him throw my hair. he gives me a small smile as if he was happy with what i was saying. "but your master, he acted so...." i start to say but things around me start to spin making me feel sick. i hold onto the door to help hold me up but my legs were giving out on me. the door was pushed open making me start to fall but strong arms wrap around my waist holding me up. i grab onto Claude's shoulder as if he was the only stable point to keep my world together. "thank you." i whisper and he sighs as he holds me closer to his body. "please take the job, i will keep you safe." he says in a soft tone that made me melt a little. "i'm not sure if i can." i whisper before my eyes feel heavy and he lifts me up so i had to put my arms around his neck. "it will be safe,i'll keep you safe from my master and anyone else who wants to hurt you." Claude says and that is the last thing i remember before fainting in his arms.

Claude's pov.

Anna had fainted in my arms and i smile softly as i look down at her. i walk over to her bed and lay her on it before looking at her things that it would be easy to pack it up. i was unhappy with the thought of her boss's son liking her and wanting her for himself but i would deal with that problem later. i rush out to the carriage that i had brought and grab a few bags to put all her things in so that i could move her into the manor. i was almost done when Anna started to wake up. she opens her eyes and looks around her house a little uncertainly. "what have you done?" she asks before looking down at herself and blushing as she pulls her blankets closer to her body. i give a silent chuckle as i watch my mate trying to hide herself from my gaze. "i'm packing up your things." i say as i turn my attention back to what i had been doing before she had woken up. "why? i never agree to take that job so why are you packing up my things?" Anna asks and i pause before turning to look at her again. she had let the blanket fall and i could again see the few bruises on her arms and legs. "i know you will. Anna this isn't a safe place to live, you did know that they were going to tear down this green house in a few days along with this manor. where will you live if that happens? come work for my master and you will have a warm house to live in as well as food." i say not mad that she wasn't happy for me to save her. "you right. i'll take the job." she says as she hangs her head and i see tears splash on the floor. i wanted to pull her into a hug and tell her things would be alright but if i did that now then i could lose her and that wasn't an option for me.

"you look cold, i'll take care of everything you should lay back down under the blankets until it's time to go." i say as i walk over to her. she was shivering and i hated the sight of it. "here." i say softly as i take off my tail coat and put it on her before picking up the blanket and wrapping it tightly around her making sure her bear legs and feet were covered by it. she was quiet as i packed her things and took them out of her house before i pick her up and set her in the seat next to mine. the last thing i put into the carriage was her bed and i walk over to where Anna was sitting before wrapping her in the warm winter blanket that i never needed when i was driving. i then put my arm around her for added warmth and she gives a small sigh as she gets warmer. she lays her head on my shoulder and leans more into me. after a few minutes into the ride she was asleep again and i smile a little as i watch her. "Claude." she mumbles in her sleep and i bite my lip until i taste blood from my fangs digging into it. she didn't know what she was doing to me yet but soon she would and i would show her just what it was.

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