Chapter 7

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Anna's pov.

Claude takes me out to get a dress for the party under Earl Trancy's orders. turns out that he had a small crush on me and wanted to know my favorite kind of flowers so he could win me over. i still haven't told Claude what it was mostly so he had to guess about it. "daises?" Claude asks as we walk into the dress shop and i giggle lightly at him. for the last hour or so he had been guessing at what it was and i hadn't told him. "no try again." i say in a light tone and he sighs before rubbing his eyes as if to get rid of some pain in his head. "what can i help you with sir?" a woman asks Claude and i frown a little at how she was looking him over. "i need a ballgown for this lovely lady. we need it for tomorrow night." Claude says and the seductive smile on her face disappears as she looks over at me. "i'll see what i can do with her." she says and i notice the small frown on Claude's face with the way she was looking me over now. the woman leads to me a bunch of dresses and i frown at all of the ones she grabs seeing as how none of them would look flattering on me in the lest.

after hours of trying on bad dresses Claude pulled me from the shop to another where Claude picked out several dresses he liked and the owner agreed that any of them would look amazing on me. it took me trying on three of the dresses that Claude had chosen when he smiles happily at one. it was black with silver trim that almost looked like spider webs and it made my red hair and violet eyes stand out beautifully. "i think this is perfect for the party." Claude says the smile never leaving his face and i blush lightly as he looks me over, i could see the lust hidden in his eyes. i change back into my normal cloths and soon Claude had my new dress in his hands as we leave. i blush lightly as we walk and Claude smiles happily before stopping at another shop. "roses?" he asks and i turn to look at him. "yes, now color." i say as i look over whatever it was that had caught Claude's attention which was a silver necklace that again looked like a spider web that would match my dress. "perfect, i will have to get you something to match it for your hair." Claude says making me frown a little. "roses, you could use roses in my hair." i finally says as we walk into the shop and Claude looks over the necklace again. Claude buys the necklace for me and we head back to the manor. he didn't say anything to me and i started to worry a little as to what he was thinking so hard about until the carriage stops because of another one.

i look off to the side and stiffen when i see the man who ruined my life. he was looking right at me a hunger in his eyes and i wanted to run screaming from him hoping that he wouldn't catch me like he had my mother. i jump a little when i feel Claude's hand on my shoulder and look over at him a little but keeping the man who scarred me in my sight. "are you alright?" Claude asks and i nod stiffly because i couldn't bring myself to say anything. all the bad memories of that one night fly throw my mind and i finally lean into Claude a little needing him closer so i felt safer. Claude pulls me closer and i shiver a little, i wasn't sure if it was from fear or the way he made me feel. i just wanted to get away as fast as i could because he looked like he might come after me in a moment's notice.

Claude's pov.

when i feel Anna stiffen next to me i look around to see who would do this to my sweet little mate. my eyes finally land on one man who was looking right at my mate. i could see the flash of his eyes knowing that he was a demon and his eyes never left my mate. i pull her closer to my body so that she would feel better and smile a little at her shiver. i hated that this demon made my mate feel this way and i wanted to let him know she was mine and only mine. "are you sure your alright?" i ask as i force her to look at me and i see the demon scowl when he see the way i had my hand under her chin or the way her eyes soften so that fear filled look disappeared to one of happiness. "i'm not sure. i just want to go home now." she says and i smile a little at her before leaning in closer to her and kissing her check. i hear a growl and look up to see the demon who's hands were balled on either side of his body and he was starting to walk this way. i was lucky that the horse and carriage head of us moves so i could get Anna away from him. this was an interesting development seeing as how i now had a look at the kind of demon after my mate and it wasn't often one would see a scorpion demon but he wouldn't defeat me. once we were on the open road to the manor i pull off to the side and stop before picking Anna up and putting her in my lap seeing as how she was still shaking badly.

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