Chapter 5

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Anna'a pov.

the day after my birthday Claude made me a big meal that we ate together and he tried several times to feed me but i refused to let him do such a silly thing. a few days later Claude sent me away for the day sending one of the triplets with me to what he said was a safe place to stay for the day as the Earl had his meeting. i sigh softly as i look around the small cottage that Claude had picked out. once i was settled in the triplet that brought me here left me all alone.

it wasn't so bad being alone in this cottage knowing that Claude would be there to get me first thing in the morning. it was about a half hour until dinner when there was a knock on the door and i walk slowly over to it."miss would you spare a little water?" a man asks. he was dressed odd in a trench coat, hat and had a big suitcase with him. Claude had told me not to let anyone but the trips, Hanna or himself into the cottage but this man needed help and i wasn't going to turn him away. Claude would never know about him being here at all. "yes please come in." i say and he bows his head, tipping his hat to me a little. he sits at the table that was in the middle of the little living room and i get him a cup of water before sitting across from him.

"would you like something to eat?" i ask as i watch him take a drink from the cup i had given him. "no thank you." he says before setting the cup down and looking at me. "you wouldn't happen to have any rare tea would you? i heard that this cottage might have a box of new moon drop?" this odd man asks. i tilt my head to the side thinking. "not that i know of, to be honest today is the only day i have been here so i couldn't give you a good answer." i say as i tap my finger to my lips. the man chuckles before picking up the cup again. "i see, i suppose they were just rumors after all. i will be taking my leave then." the odd man says and i watch him finish the water before he sets the cup down and stands. i lead him to the door and he leaves, my confusion and curiosity as to who he was and why he really was here spinning around my head.

i clean quickly before starting to make myself dinner. i had never really cooked anything for myself before due to my almost homeless statics so it was odd trying to cook, the only thing i made successfully was the bread because Hannah had taught me how to make that. i head to bed not long after i had eaten my poorly made dinner and lay under the thick blankets that smelled like sandalwood, lemons and pie crust. i don't know why that relaxed me into a dreamless sleep despite how dark the room was getting. when i get up the next morning the sun light was shinning down on the bed all around me. i enjoyed the warmth of the sun that was shinning on me and i realized that i was still in my dress from last night. i get up and walk to the kitchen to get some water when the door to the cottage opens and i look over to see Claude standing there a small smile on his face. he walks over to me and pulls me into a hug stiffening. "you didn't let anyone in the cottage did you?" Claude asks as he pulls away from me to look into my eyes. "no you told me not to so i didn't." i say giving him a look of innocence praying that he would believe my lie.

"i see well its time to head home." Claude says as he pulls me out of the cottage and over to the charege that he had waiting for us. i still didn't really like to ride in it but as long as Claude was the one driving it then i had no problems. the ride home was silent and once we got there Claude pulled me to my room before letting me go. "you need to change before eating and starting on you work." Claude says as he looks over at where all my nice, new dresses are. he sighs as i walk behind the changing screen and i give a small giggle as i change. but i couldn't help but let my mind wonder to why Claude had acted so odd earlier.

once i was done Claude pulls me to the kitchen where he forces me to sit before he makes me something to eat. "Anna please stay away from the young master today." Claude says as he looks over his shoulder at me. i nod not sure why he was telling me this but i would do as he asked only because i know that if he was asking me to then i should do it. it bothered me a little that i wanted to please Claude by doing anything he asked of me even if i really wanted to do something. Claude places a plate in front of me and smiles sweetly at me. "Anna i know your confused but i will explain things later. i promise." Claude says before kissing the top of my head and i start to eat. it was some of the most delouses food i had ever had and i moan a little as the sweet bread melted in my mouth. Claude stiffens next to me and i stop eating to look up at him. "are you alright Claude?" i ask as i look up into his golden eyes that looked a little darker than normal. he stalks closer to me and leans in so his lips were only inches from my own. "i'm fine my dear, i'm so very glad you enjoy my food." he says before his lips were pressed to mine and i let my eyes flutter shut.

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