Chapter 4

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Anna's pov.

it had been almost two week since i had been brought to the Trancy manor and it was a day before my birthday. the Earl had asked me to work for him which i didn't mind, he also had it in his head that we were friends now but i didn't mind much seeing as how he wasn't harsh to me like he was to the others. right now i was hiding outside in the rose maze that was so relaxing. the only person who had found me in here was Claude and he always seemed to know just where i was at all times. no one had said a thing to me about what had happened that one night. i still haven't told Claude or even the Earl all about my past just that i was afraid of the dark and my family was dead. i did not want anyone to know to much about me because of my fear of that man killing whoever i got to close with.

it was hard to hide anything from Claude, every day i felt like i needed him by my side and i couldn't sleep at night now without hearing him tell me good night. to be honest i had fallen madly in love with Claude and i didn't know how he felt about me mostly because we never got a few minutes alone. i sigh before shaking my head to clear it of my odd thoughts and focus on the roses that were around me. "so beautiful." i say as i reach out to touch the bright blue roses. i had never seen so many roses before let alone this many flowers. this garden was my favorite place to stay when i didn't have to work. the Earl had forced Claude to get me new dresses and all of them matched Claude's dress. i sigh softly as the velvet petals touch my fingers. i loved the feel of them under my fingers, roses had been part of mummy's garden. i knew that i was of noble blood but i had stayed hidden once i ran away, i could have gone to live with my cousin when my family died but i couldn't do that to him.

"Anna what are you doing out here alone?" Claude asks as he places a hand on my shoulder. i jump a little and feel a thorn prick my finger so blood bubbled up from it. Claude looks worried before taking my hand and putting my finger in his mouth licking the small wound. "i was just looking at the roses." i say as i look away from him knowing my checks were red. i feel my finger leave his warm mouth but his gloved hand was still holding onto mine. "i guess i should get ride of these ones now." Claude says and i look up at him shocked as he looks over the roses. "no don't, please don't. they are so beautiful." i cry as i grab both his hands making him look into my eyes. i hated that i was so much shorter than him in times like this. "i suppose only if you make a deal with me." Claude says his eyes flashing a little. it had to be a trick of the light hitting his glasses. "a deal?" i ask as i tilt my head to the side a little. "yes a deal." he says as he leans down a little. i nod silently and he grins. "i want a kiss, you get your roses." Claude says and i felt my heart skip a beat. i lick my lips a little nerves. 'a kiss to save those roses is worth it.' i think before nodding my head.

Claude's pov.

i grin as i look down at my little mate who wanted to keep the roses that had just made her bleed. i wanted to get rid of them but the sad look in her eyes at the thought of me taking them away from her hurt me. "i suppose only if you make a deal with me." i say. "a deal?" Anna asks as she tilts her head to the side as if confused. "yes a deal." i say as i lean down a little so i could get what i want. she nods her head and i grin. "i want a kiss, you get your roses." i say and i could hear her heart skip a beat. i watch her lick her lips making my hunger for her stirs a little. it was driving me crazy waiting for her to make a decision. she nods her head and i smile wickedly as i pull her closer to me. she relaxes against me as i lean closer to her. she looks up at me as if worried and licks her lips once again finally pushing me over the edge.

i lean down and kiss her like i had never kissed her before. i started slow and growled a little when her fingers found there way into my hair pulling it lightly as she pulled my head closer to her. i knew that she couldn't resist the bond between us and everyday the pull was getting stronger. i had to have her, i knew that she needed me as well. i pull away letting her catch her breath and kissed down her neck gently until i find just the right spot that makes Anna give a airy moan. i wanted to clam her now, leave my mark on her body that no demon could fight against, i wanted to taste her blood again. the small taste i got a moment ago was driving me mad. "Claude!" my master screams and i growl a little as i pull away from my mate who's eyes were glazed over. "come along my dear." i say and she nods her head slowly as i pull her back into the manor.

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