01 | the heartbreak

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No one's POV

"Today's the day," Marinette announced proudly to her best friend as the two girls were the last ones in the classroom to pack their things.

"For what?" Alya questioned, swinging her backpack over her shoulder.

Marinette smiled proudly, "I've decided today is the day I'm going to tell Adrien how I feel."

"Really?!" Alya squealed in excitement. "Are you serious?!"

"Yes!" Marinette giggled happily.

Alya tackled her best friend into a ginormous hug at the wonderful news she was receiving. "I can't believe you're actually gonna do it, Mari! I'm so proud of you!"

Marinette smiled as she hugged her best friend back. "Thanks Alya," she pulled away, a small frown quickly forming on her lips. "But, what if he says no?"

Alya frowned in response. "I don't think so girl. No buts, no what ifs, and no chickening out. You said you were gonna do this, so you better keep your word. I highly doubt Adrien will say no."

Marinette hugged her friend once more for her positive words before the two walked out the door.

Marinette grabbed Alya's hand, pulling her along quickly. "Come on! Let's hurry up before Adrien leaves! If I'm going to do this... it's going to be now!"


Marinette's POV

I stood at the top of the steps outside, trembling, as I watched Adrien below talking with Nino. I was so confident before but now I have a terrible, uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I knew it was my cue to approach Adrien when Alya interrupted the boys' conversation on purpose and pulled Nino by the wrist to go talk. I gulped as I began to take my time down the steps towards the blonde. I was starting to second guess all my motives again.

When I finally made it down to his level, I watched him type on his phone before I tapped his shoulder. In an instant, he'd faced me completely, smiling widely.

"Hey Mari, what's up?"

He smiled so brightly at me, and I couldn't help but gulp as I smiled back (even though my smile was an awkward one.) "H-Hey A-Adrien, I uh... just wanted t-to tell... y-you something." I stuttered out, mentally slapping myself when I realized how embarrassing I sounded.

However, he didn't seem to notice. Adrien simply tilted his head to the side, curious as to what I had to say. "Sure, what is it?"

I gulped once again. Something about the way his eyes bore into mine made me want to retreat.

Come on girl, you can do this. "Well um... I-I just... well I've been m-meaning to t-tell... you for a while... now... a-actually.....that I-I really like... y-you." I mumbled the last part under my breath, regretting it almost instantly when he raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Can you repeat that?" He asked, a beautiful smile still spread across his lips as he tried to understand my stuttering.

"I said..." I took a deep breath, trying to rebuild my confidence. "I really like you, Adrien. Like, as more than just a friend."

I wanted to shout, jump into the air and celebrate in that moment for the fact that I didn't even stutter that last part and finally admitted my love to Adrien! This was the goal I had been trying to accomplish since he had first offered me his black umbrella!

However, when I returned my attention and concentration fully back onto Adrien, the smile that had once captivated his lips was replaced with a slight frown.

That couldn't be good.

"Oh... um Marinette, I'm really flattered." He began, and at the sound of his tone, my excited smile began to fade. "But, I-um..." he sighed heavily, his eyes shifting from mine to the space around us. "I don't really know how to say this... but... I don't really feel the same way for you in that way. You're a really great friend, don't get me wrong, but I actually... like someone else."

My whole word shattered into pieces when I heard his words.

He didn't like me.

He only saw me as a friend.

Of course.

How stupid could I possibly be?

How could I think that the Adrien Agreste– a famous fashion model for teen weekly– ever like a girl like me? I'm just plain Marinette... the baker's daughter. There is nothing special about me. What could he possibly see in me?

Other than a worthless nobody.

Tears began to collect in my eyes, but I held it back the best I could. There was no way I was about to let myself cry in front of my crush. I had to look strong, like his rejection wasn't as heartbreaking as it truly was.

"Okay," I almost choked out. There wasn't much to say in this situation. "I knew it was a long shot." Adrien looked at me with a sad look in his eyes, almost as if he was pitying me, but I refused to look up at him. It was one of those looks that screamed 'I'm so sorry for you'... and I couldn't stand it. "I'll... um... see you later." I said, before running away from the spot I stood, not giving him a chance to respond.

"Wait Marinette!" I heard him call after me, but I didn't care. All I wanted was to get away from his presence and go home, lay in my bed, and maybe cry myself to sleep.

Even disappearing didn't sound like a bad idea.




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