16 | surprise

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No one's POV

The second day rolled around awfully fast, and Adrien was struggling to remain calm even in the midst of class. Fidgeting in his seat, Adrien struggled to remain focused on the lecture at hand.

He was nervous.

Tomorrow, his time would be up, and Lady Luck would be expecting a miraculous.

Chat Noir's miraculous to be exact.

How was he going to deal with this? Nino was absent, surprising Adrien the most. Where was his best friend when he needed him most?

Alya was the one to notice his fidgety movements, and turned her eyes to him the moment Ms. Bustier had turned her back to the class.

"Psssshh," She whispered, trying to catch his attention.

When he realized Alya was trying to talk to him, Adrien turned his head, his eyes meeting hers. "What?" He whispered back.

"What is wrong with you?" Alya asked, keeping her voice low, though she still seemed highly annoyed. "Stop moving around so much. It's annoying."

The blonde looked back at the teacher to make sure she wasn't looking before he replied, "I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous. We only have one day left before Lady Luck will come looking for the miraculous I promised her, and I'm not sure how well my plan will turn out."

"Everything will be fine, Adrien." Alya reassured. "We'll have a good plan B. I can feel it."

That's what bothered him. He didn't doubt his original plan, but if anything was to fail, they wouldn't have a plan B. The trio had yet to come up with another valid plan.

He, however, nodded anyways before she turned her attention back to the teacher. Adrien sighed and looked down at his bag hoping to see a peeping Plagg. To his dissapontment, he remembered that the kwami had wished to stay home and rest. Adrien didn't mind, but he did miss his kwami's presence.

He looked back up at the teacher and decided to leave his attention on her. He needed to calm down; what was he even worrying about? He still had a day left before Lady Luck would begin looking for him, and the three of them were bound to stump her with their plan.

Nothing could possibly go wrong.


After school, Adrien was cautiously forced to walk home. His driver never showed, which he thought was really odd.

He didn't bother to talk to his friends for a ride or say goodbye to Alya. He knew he was running out of time. He only had one more day before Lady Luck showed up, expecting Chat's miraculous, and he still didn't have a for sure plan B. Yeah, Alya had suggested an ambush or a trap for the villain, but was that sure to work?

Was it enough?

Honestly, Adrien didn't know. He was hoping it was.

He walked up the steps to his mansion and reached to open the front door. Reaching for the knob, Adrien suddenly realized the door was already cracked open.


Adrien carefully pushed the door open and peeked his head inside. This was not a natural thing for the front door to their home to be open. His father would never allow the front door to be left unguarded, let alone unlocked.

Besides, since when did Natalie ever leave the door unlocked? She always had the security system up.

"Hello?" Adrien called out, closing the door behind himself slowly. Cautiously, he stepped forward into his silent home. "Father? Natalie?"

Everything remained silent.

No response.

"I'm home from school!" He shouted out, hoping to receive some sort of response.

However, the only response the young blonde received was an echo of his own voice in the empty mansion.

Where was everyone?

Was anyone even here?

"Well, this is odd." Adrien mumbled to himself, shrugging his shoulders as he headed up the steps to his room.

Maybe his father had gone out and asked Natalie to accompany him. Sometimes his father went on meetings that required her assistance.

Hope Plagg enjoyed his day off, Adrien thought to himself as he reached the top of the steps.

When he made it to his room door, he twisted the knob and pushed the door open slowly. Upon entering his room, his eyes immediately widened when they spotted on a certain girl who stood in the middle of his room, waiting patiently for his arrival.

Leaned up against his foosball table, Lady Luck hummed contently. Swinging her yo-yo between her fingertips, her grin widened at the sight of him. "Surprise!"


Sorry, this is a short chapter. :/

Edit from older self: they're ALL SHORT



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