04 | that word

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Adrien's POV

I sighed heavily as my limo pulled up onto the curb of Collège Françoise Dupont. All I could think about was what Ladybug had said to me last night. She was angry and upset, and when I mentioned the word love, she suddenly snapped.

I wonder why?

I exited the car and waved at the Gorilla who didn't even acknowledge my wave. He quickly drove away, leaving me alone. I inhaled a deep breath as I stared solemnly at the school building. Before I could even take one step towards it, however, Nino came rushing down the steps towards me, almost tripping over his own two feet, and panting heavily.

"Dude, hide!" Nino breathed, clutching onto my shoulders as if I were going to faint in that exact moment. In all truth, however, it seemed as if Nino was about to faint.

I stared at him oddly, my eyes slightly widening. "What... why?" I questioned. What did I need to hide from?

"Alya." Nino whispered shakily, and before I could reply, Nino hid behind my figure when  we both spotted a furious Alya stomping in our direction– her chest puffed out angrily and her fists clenched at her sides.

Well, this would not be good.

"What is wrong with you?!" Alya shouted, and before I could react, I felt a hard, sharp slap to my cheek. I stumbled back, almost loosing my balance as I held my cheek. Nino cautiously stepped away, not wanting to interfere or get anywhere near Alya for that matter.

"I deserved that, I guess." I mumbled, once I was able to gain my balance again and meet her eyes. Despite feeling guilty, I hadn't purposely meant to hurt Marinette.

And apparently, Alya wasn't taking the news of my rejection very lightly.

"You sure do!" Alya shouted again, her hands now on her hips and her brows furrowed in my direction. I flinched at her shouting.

I raised my hands up in defense. "Alya calm down, okay? I know I made a big mistake."

"Ya think?!" Came her reply. She growled slightly at me as her temper began to calm down a bit.

"I intend to fix my mistake." I added, trying to get Alya to maybe not hate me for the rest of my life. "So where is Marinette? I want to try and make things right with her. Maybe try and get her to understand my point of view."

Alya looked at me angrily, and crossed her arms above her chest to emphasize her stubborn nature. "You can't fix words, Adrien. What you said can't be taken back."

"I can try." I pleaded, making sure to keep my distance away from the angry girl.

Alya sighed in defeat before replying, "She's in homeroom. She wanted to be in there before anyone else."

"Why?" I asked curiously, yet with concern.

"Not sure. Maybe to be alone?" Alya suggested as she shrugged her shoulders. "She didn't say."

I only nod and quickly excuse myself to go find Marinette. Alya and Nino could manage on their own for now. I rushed into the building and up the stairs as fast as I could before entering into my homeroom classroom. I looked around the room before my eyes landed on Marinette, who sat in her usual seat, with her head down. She was all alone, not even the teacher was in here yet.

"Marinette?" I questioned.

She shifted a little before peeking an eye up to look at the person who said her name. When our eyes connected, she quickly put her face back down. "What do you want Adrien?" She mumbled into her arms.

I sighed, somewhat deflated and somewhat in relief. At least she wasn't completely disregarding my existence. "Look Marinette, I'm really sorry. I-uh-I guess I kind of made a really big mistake, and I realize I hurt you... a lot—"

"Just leave me alone!" Marinette shouted, snapping her head up to look at me. Tears were already streaming down her cheeks. "Just stop talking! You don't mean anything you're saying!"

I sighed in slight frustration. She didn't believe a single word I was saying. "No Marinette, I'm serious. I really am sorry—"

"Just shut up!" She interrupted me again, her anger clearly evident in her eyes. "I don't want your stupid apology! I knew it was too good to be true. I knew you would never have feelings for a girl like me!"

And that, right there, broke my heart, because Marinette was an amazing person. Despite that I didn't love her the way she loved me, that still hurt to hear. My heart clenched because her words made me look like I was too good to be hers, which wasn't true. I shattered upon hearing her words. She thought she wasn't good enough? Marinette was a great girl and a great friend of mine who I cherished dearly. Why did she think so low of herself? "But Marinette, that's not true at all! You're an amazing person! And, in all honesty, I know what it feels like to get your feelings rejected—"

"Great, glad to know you understand how much pain I'm in." She interrupted me again, coldly.

I frowned, tired of not being able to finish any of my sentences. Once more, I tried to reason with her. "Marinette, you are still loved by so many—"

"Don't say that word!" She shouted, raising her voice again ever so loudly, and also cutting me off, again. "I hate that word!"

I froze when I heard her last comment. My eyes widened slightly as I stared into her irises in bewilderment. She hated the word love?  Hadn't I heard that same comment from...?

"But, why?" I asked, clearly confused on why she hated such a word. "Love is—"

"Love is crap," She answered, cutting me off for at least the tenth time now. "And do you want to know why? Because most of the time... it never gets returned."

That's when I froze and lost all thoughts for words. Didn't Ladybug just say the same thing to me last night?




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