42 | is it too late now to say sorry

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Marinette's POV

I stood in complete horror at the sight of him being up here. I knew I was most likely going to find him up here because of the map, but I was expecting to see his alter ego.

However, seeing Adrien did not make my anger wash away. In fact, it made me even more angry.

He was the one who started it all.

He didn't notice me yet because he was too busy setting up the dinner table he had prepared. My eyes softened for just a second as I admired the scene. It was beautiful. There was a small table in the center with table cloth draped over it, and candles lined along the edges of the tower. There were rose petals spread across the ground.

But, I shook that emotion away from my head and replaced it with anger. What the heck did he think he was doing?

"What is going on?" I decided to make my presence known to him, and the blonde was immediately startled by the company.

Turning around quickly, his eyes met mine in a heartbeat and I watched as they widened. "W-What?" He stammered out, his eyes shifting between mine and the space around us. "Why are y-you here?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked sarcastically, reaching into the bag on my hip to pull out the large map I had stuffed inside. "I was following your stupid map here."

Adrien looked so confused. "But I still had time. You shouldn't be here yet."

I scoffed and tossed the large piece of paper I was holding to the ground. For emphasis, I stomped on it with my foot. "I shouldn't be here at all!" I growled, glaring at him indifferently. "Why do you keep on making me feel worse? What is it that you hate so much about me?!"

"I don't hate you at all, Mairnette!" Adrien exclaimed and defended himself as he took a step closer to me, but I stepped back.

"Do you really think I believe you?" I replied with a sarcastic tone in my voice. "Please Adrien, you can't fool me anymore. I'm done with your lies."

"I'm not lying this time!" Adrien defended himself. "I just wish you would let me explain!"

"Explain what?!" I spat, "There is nothing to explain! You've already said you don't return my feelings. What more do you want?"

"I want you to listen to me." Adrien took another step closer to me, and gripped my shoulders to keep me in place.

"Let me go," I growled at him, but he simply shook his head.

"Let me explain myself," Adrien was practically begging me now as he still held me by my shoulders. "Please?"

I sighed in frustration, and my eyes landed on the table with our dinner he had prepared behind him. I really didn't want to listen to anything else he had to say, but if Tikki was here, I'm sure she would want me to listen to him.

"Fine," I growled out, finally prying his hands off of my shoulders. "Make it quick."

He sighed in relief, and rubbed his hands together to keep them from freezing in the cold. "Thank you. Would you want to sit?" He asked, gesturing to the table behind us.

"I prefer not," I said, crossing my arms, but then I sighed, remembering that Tikki would probably want me too do that also. "But, I know someone who would want me to."

A grin formed on his lips. "In other words, me?"

"Shut up," I snapped at him. "I'm not talking about you. Stop being so cocky."

He was a little surprised by me snapping at him, but he quickly recovered and pulled out my seat. I sat down, not uttering a word, and he took his seat across from me.

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