11 | her wallet

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Adrien's POV

I paced heavily through the streets of Paris, trying to get to the Dupain bakery as quickly as I could. I needed to talk to Marinette as soon as possible. Maybe approaching her as myself wasn't the best idea, but it was worth a shot, wasn't it?

Cutting through the shopping mall was the quickest way there, I observed. So, once I entered the dangerous territory of crazy shoppers, I did my best to remain unnoticed, in hopes that I would avoid any crazed fans. However, I made the mistake of looking towards the side, my attention quickly finding the hat shop quite interesting. And that is when I spotted Chloé, squealing excitedly at a new hat she had just bought with Sabrina happily gleaming at it by her side. And what else was in her hand also caught my eye. A wallet. And not just any wallet, a wallet I knew, in fact, wasn't Chloé's. I knew Chloé well enough to know that it wasn't her style. So, abandoning my pervious mission for only a few minutes, I approached her and Sabrina.

"Oh, hey, Adrikins!" Chloé squealed once she noticed me, wrapping her arms around my neck and giving me a quick peck on my cheek. I pealed her off. "Don't you just love my new hat?"

Nodding, I replied, "Yeah," though, it wasn't exactly the truth. (The hat was absolutely hideous, in my opinion.) "It looks great on you."

"Of course it does," She flipped her blonde ponytail as Sabrina held up a compact mirror for Chloé to look at herself in. I rolled my eyes, watching as Chloé pridefully admired herself. And that's when I suddenly remembered why I had even approached them in the first place... the wallet.

"Hey Clo, is that a new wallet?" I asked curiously, yet genuinely, as I pointed at the item clenched in her hand. "It looks nice." I tried my best not to smirk, but Chat Noir somewhat wanted to be let loose. She glanced down at the hand that I pointed at, and when she noticed what I was referring to, she huffed.

"What? This disgusting sense of fashion?" She held the wallet up at eye level. "This is way out of season. And you know me better, Adrien, I never own anything out of a trend. Here! You can have it." She shoved the wallet into my chest and I grabbed it before it could fall to the ground. "I don't need it anymore, anyway. I used up all the money and now I have no use for it."

In response, I simply rolled my eyes.

"Well baby, it was great seeing you." Chloé blew a kiss at me, and I all I wanted to do was simply gag at the action. "But, I'm busy shopping. We'll hang out later, okay?"

And before I could even answer, she skipped away, demanding Sabrina follow behind her like a lost puppy. I shook my head in disgust.

"Uh, no thanks." I mumbled to myself.

Once she was out of ear-shot, I opened the wallet, only to find that it was empty, just like Chloé had said. Not that I was going to try and steal any money that might've been inside... but that was besides the point. An ID tag remained inside the clear slot, however, and I read the info to myself silently.

Name: Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Number: 33653257

I knew it. Only Marinette would have something like this. It was unique, just like her. But my question still remained: how and when did Chloé get ahold of this? I quickly looked up, closing the wallet as I looked around. Maybe Marinette was here and Chloé had possibly found her wallet? Maybe Marinette lost it? I didn't want to believe Chloé could have stolen it.

But didn't she?

I let that question go into the back of my head as I continued walking. It wasn't until I heard the multiple shouts of pedestrians that I turned around, full in alert, watching as crowds of people rushed past me in a hurry.

"MUAHAHA!" A voice crackled evilly, echoing throughout the Parisian streets. At the sound of it, I knew it could be only one thing.

Someone had been akumatized.

And when the villain flew up into the sky and hovered above me, however, I could only gasp at the sight.

It was Marinette.

"Well well well, look what we have here," She snickered. "The one and only, Adrien Agreste, right here in my presence."


Sorry, but I couldn't help but leave a cliffhanger 😁

Tbh, I made Adrien even more stupid in this chapter than he already is... like hello? Of course Chloé would steal something. She's CHLOÉ !



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