4 #Abigail

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*I hadn't thought that I would ever name a chapter on a character's name. But for this chapter, I think, 'Abigail' was best suited.*

------A/N ENDS------

"She was just a mere painting lying in the dark corner of a gallery."




The continuous tapping of the pen on the hard wooden table was making Abigail more nervous than she already was. She was clutching both if her hands together to prevent them from shaking. Her fingernails were digging into her skin. If it wasn't for the air conditioner, then she would have been sweating profusely. As you would have already guessed, she was nervous. Heck, she was damned frightened. The person sitting across the table was checking a file like a hawk. His spectacles were resting on his nose and he was reading each and every word in the file like he was trying to memorize the whole thing.

Why is he taking more than an hour to read just 20 pages? Abigail thought.

And the thought made her more frightened, if possible.

"So Miss-" The man finally lifted his eyes from the file and looked at her.

"Abigail" Abigail quickly replied, more like squeaked. Not using her voice for the last couple of hours had made her throat scratchy.

"Ahem." She coughed to bring her voice back to normal.

"So Miss Abigail, may I know why your last name is missing from your documents?" The man asked her.

This was the question she was dreading from the start. Although she had explained the answer previously a countless number of times. But she still didn't know the best way to explain it to that man.

"Because I don't have one, sir."

"But everyone has a last name, miss" Now that man was more interested in her as he put the file down and crossed his arms across his chest.

Abigail sighed and replied, "I am an orphan. Sir."

"Didn't your parents or your guardian gave you any last name when you were small?"

"I was 2 when my parents died, too small to remember my last name. And my guardian chose not to use my last name." She replied.

She looked down as memories poured into her, drowning her with their dark shadows. Memories of the reason why her guardian chose not to use her last name. Memories of the times she spent on the streets hugging herself tightly to prevent herself from the cold harsh air.

Not now. Not now. She thought.

"I know it would be too personal for me to ask this. But may I know, why?"

This made Abigail look into the man's eyes. Although the man's tone was dripping from politeness and a slight curiosity. But she knew better. The past years had given her some experience in reading people's eyes. And that man's eyes were showing nothing but mockery and a thrust for knowing all the things. And in her case knowing about her past, her personal life.

"My guardian told me that my first name is more important than my last name."

She gave him the typical answer that she gave to everyone. Although the man didn't seem to buy it but he knew when to back off from prying into others' life.

"So, you can start with your classes from Monday. And for now, we are done. You can pick up your schedule from Mrs. Adams outside." With that, the man made a motion with his hand indicating Abigail to go outside.

With a sigh of relief, Abigail replied, "Thank you, Mr. Jefferson, for your time."

With that, she turned and left the office but not before hearing two words, she was used to listen to, but still made her cringe, "Poor girl".

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