5 #SoulEnemies

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Jonathan Kelttz as Brad Young.

"No one is perfect. Not a single soul. But these imperfect people come togther and complete each other like small pieces of a puzzle. These people are called friends."

"Scream all you want, traitor. Scream. So, the world can hear the cries of the person who tried to go against me. Haah." I yelled while swinging my sword from side to side for the effect.

In return, I just got a dirty and bored glance from my brother. Lucas, my brother, is 3 years older than me. He looks like a younger version of dad. And me being me, I gained most of my traits on the look side from him. Lucky me. Please, note the sarcasm. Lucas and I were like typical brothers and sisters, who fight all the time yet love each other a lot. Growing up, I had to deal with being the little sister of a genius and sports' prodigy. And in return, Lukas had to deal with my antics. We were joined at hips when we were younger but we kind of fell apart when Lukas became a senior in high school. We still love each other but it is like priorities have changed for him.

"Lukeeeeeey" I whined.

"Don't call me that, Maddy."

"This is so unfair. You can call me by my nickname. But I can't do the same. Lukey, life is already so unfair. Don't make it more."

I said dramatically.

"I have told you infinite times to call me Luke or Lucas." He said nonchalantly.

"But what is the fun in that?" I huffed.

Mom and dad gifted me a pair of the wooden swords for my twelfth birthday. Yeah, I wanted to be a pirate at that time, sue me. Luke and I used to play pirates with the swords as soon as we got home from school. We used to have this routine for the next two years.

"Zoned out again, little sis." He mocked.

"Whatever." I flipped him a bird when he was not looking and went outside. God, I know, he would have my head if he had seen me.

Will be there in 5.

- Maddy

I pulled out my phone and texted to Brad.

Remember, I was talking about my 'soul enemy'. Well, Brad is my soul enemy. We have known each other since forever. Our families were friends with each other. We basically grew up together. And according to everyone else, we were best friends. Well, we would have been in real, if it wasn't for his attitude. He could be the most conceited person, known to the mankind, ever. Our enemyship started when we were 9. We were best friends before that. He was always the kind of person who loved being the center of attention. And I was known as the person who lived under his shadow. We were joined at hip. Whenever I wasn't with Lukey, I was with him. Whenever our families went to parties, I would follow him like a lost puppy. I wasn't the fan of being among too many people. I am still not. So, Brad would hold my hand throughout the party in order to keep me calm. It was too funny to see a little boy acting as the bodyguard of a little girl. 

It was Brad's 10th birthday. I was still 9 then. I am a few months younger than him. Brad loved his birthdays. All the gifts were for him. All the people were there for him. The whole day was basically planned for him and according to him. I was following him everywhere on that day. I had forgotten my gift at home. So, Lukey went out to bring that from home. Mom had bought me a fairy dress for the party. I never liked dresses. They were just frilly and pink and ughh. But mom had talked me into wearing that dress for the day. It was a baby pink frill dress with a huge bow at the waist.

Brad and I have been playing with his friends for the whole day. More like he was playing and I was just tagging along with him. I didn't have any friends except him and Lucas. Everyone at school wanted to be friends with Brad and they knew that if they want to become his friends then they would have to tolerate me also. But I didn't mind, though. I never needed any more friends apart from those two. So, before the party was going to get started, our parents told us to get ready. Brad had chosen to wear a tuxedo for his birthday. Typical Brad. That guy never leaves a single opportunity to  wear a tux. Brad and his love for tuxedos. 

After getting ready, when I was walking down the stairs, I could see everyone gushing at Brad that how he was looking so handsome. A grin was plastered on his face from getting everyone's attention. Well, it continued for a few more seconds, until I walked shyly to him. Everyone was staring at me and that was making me nervous. I expected Brad to hold my hand like he used to do whenever I was nervous. I was looking down at the floor. I could hear our moms squealing at the same time that I looked pretty. Like an angel. But that was making me more nervous. When for a few more seconds, I didn't feel Brad's hand, I looked up at him. He was standing beside me, glaring at me. His ear to ear grin which was plastered onto his face, a few second ago, had been converted into a frown. I was confused at the reason. But suddenly something clicked in my mind. I was the reason. I stole all the attention from him.


"Brad, please listen to me."

I was rushing after him. He was still in the same sour mood. It was just after cake cutting and he didn't even feed me the cake. So now, I was running behind him with a piece of in my hand and my eyes glistening with tears. 

We were in the backyard where he was playing tag with his friends. 

"I don't want to talk to you." He yelled over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I pleaded.

"You are not. You ruined my birthday." He stopped suddenly and screeched at me. 

"Brad, you know, I didn't even want to wear this stupid dress." I pleaded my case.

"But you still did. Is this dress more important than me?" He asked.

At that moment, I so much wanted to say 'no' and then told him that I was sorry and then he would hug me. But man, it looked like a wave of ego and confidence just passed over me.

"I could ask you the same question." 

His mouth was open in a shock. I have never back answered him before. Well, we hadn't even fought before.

"I hate your stupid dress." With nothing to argue, he said that and pushed me down. And with that, that wave of confidence passed away and tears were again starting to pool in my eyes. There I was, a 9-year-old girl, sitting in a puddle of mud with dirt and grass sticking on her hands and dress. As I saw my dress, tears start streaming down my cheeks. 

Brad seemed shocked at what he did but it seemed like a sudden thought crossed his mind and he clapped, "Maddy, now you can wear your jeans and t-shirt that I chose for you."

That made me cry even more. He didn't care. He only cared for his stupid attention and not me. He didn't even ask me that whether I was hurt from the fall or not. He didn't care that his best friend was crying.

"You ruined my dress." I said between hiccups. 

"But you hated that dress anyway." Brad reasoned.

By that time all his friend have surrounded us and laughing at me. I expected Brad to tell them to go away. But he didn't.

"And I hate you." I told him. 

"No, you don't"

"Yes, I do."

If he just had said sorry for what he did. Then we would still be best friends. But he didn't.

"Okay, then I don't want to be friends with you anymore." He said as a heard a few gasps around us.

With that, he turned and walked away with me still lying in the mud.

---Flashback over---

That was the start of mine and Brad's enemyship. For a few days, we avoided each other like a plague. Our parents thought that we would sort things out on our own. Lukey had chosen not to talk about the matter. Brad was getting more attention since kids now don't have to tolerate me to become his friends, and he was loving it. I was sulking as a loner in school since I had no friend except for Lukey only, now. 

A stupid fight over a stupid dress broke our life long friendship just in a few seconds. I guess, we 9-year and 10-year olds were pretty stupid.

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