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day 26: 5 things you're looking forward to

- summer holidays

- going to bed

- staying up till sun rises

- holidays in general

- (BTS) WINGS Short Film #2

- my birthday (halloween yaaaas!)

- marrying my ultimate bias min yoongi

- vacation

- sleep

wow, i am so creative...

und sorry, dass ich manche kapitel tausendmal aktualisiere, aber wattpad hat manchmal so einen knall. besonders was die medien anbelangt *augen verdreh*

WTF i was writing this and suddenly 'PURPOSE' (the cover by jungkook) started playing in my headphones and i jsdfaskfbjkbfjkhnskfhksfbjkkbav javdkabl CAN'T!!!

please don't give up on me,

Elli <3

nachträgliches update: OMG #2 OF WINGS IS DROPPED OMG IMG OMG *chokes and eventually dies aaaah!*

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