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As soon as the elevator doors opened he was greeted by a handful of Natasha. She clung to his chest for a second before turning around and pushing the button to Bruce's floor. Once the doors closed she hugged him again and sighed.

"I've missed you big guy." She said quietly. Bruce hugged her back. This is what their "relationship" was like. They relied on each other to remember that they weren't just monster and killers. That they were human.

"I missed you two." He replied. It all started just before Ultron. They found a way to calm the Hulk. They became close. Would they say they were in a relationship? No. Would they say they were extremely close friends? Definitely. There was a time when they may have considered themselves a couple, but things changed between after Ultron.

The elevator doors open and they stepped out into Bruce's main living area. Books and papers covered every table and work surface. To someone who didn't know any different the papers just looked like an unorganised mess but to the Avengers it was perfectly organised.

Natasha walked to the kitchen leaving Bruce in his living room.
"Do you want a drink of anything?" She asked from the doorway.

"I'll have a herbal tea if don't mind."
He said in response. A couple of minutes later she returned with a herbal tea and a glass of wine.

"Have you heard of Supernatural?" She asked setting the drinks down on a small space on the coffee table.

"I haven't. Is it a show?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah. I was talking to Wanda the other day when she mentioned it. Apparently it's rather popular on Tumblr."

"Telling Wanda about Tumblr was both amazing and terrible." Bruce chuckled.

"So far it hasn't been that bad although she appears to have gotten into Panic! at the disco so be warned." Natasha replied with a smile.

"Anyway Supernatural. Did you want to watch it?" Bruce asked

"If you want to then sure."

"Sounds like a plan."

Natasha turned on the TV and put the Season 1 disc into the DVD player.

Natasha curled up on the sofa with her head resting on the arm of the chair watching the screen. Bruce was trying to pay attention to the screen but he couldn't help but think of all the work he had to do. He was stressing. He needed to calm down. He needed a break.

"I can hear you thinking." Natasha muttered.

"Sorry, sorry. Works getting to me that's all."

"You need a break." She replied matter of factly. "You should come to compound with us for a bit."

"Mmm I'll think about it." They fall into comfortable silence before Bruce started to drift asleep.


Bruce woke up with a blanket draped over him. Natasha's doing no doubt. He stood up and stretched. His joints popped and his neck felt stiff. A warm shower should help with that he thinks. He goes to the bathroom shaves and takes a quick shower. When he entered the elevator he was greeted by Wanda with a book floating in front of her.

"Oh! Good morning Dr Banner!" She greeted him with a smile.

"Please call me Bruce." He chuckled.

"Sorry. Are you going to get breakfast? Only Clint's making breakfast before we go to the hospital." She asked him.

"I think I will yes." He said with a nod. The two of them walked to the kitchen where they were greeted by Sam and Steve who were sat at the island whilst Clint was cooking at the stove.

"Good morning you two." Steve said with a smile. Sam nodded at them while Clint waved.

"Good morning." Bruce and Wanda said at the same time.

"Haha twinning!" Sam laughed and winked at Wanda.

"So Bruce how were your conventions?" Steve asked.

"Good for some parts but it was just  mainly boring science and stupidity that they often cause that made the experience less than stellar." He replied not going into too much detail since he knew Steve wouldn't understand the majority of it.

"Did I just hear "boring" and "science" in the same sentence?" Tony
interrupted from the doorway. "You are letting us down there Bruce." He said pulling him into a hug. Bruce hugged back laughing.

"Come on Tones you know what they are like." He replied.

"Get a room." Clint said as he turned around and put pancakes on the plates in front of Sam and Steve.

"Oh I have one and it's one you're welcome to come to." He said winking at Clint.

"And come in." Sam said with a mouthful of pancakes which earned him a playful punch in the arm from Clint.

Bruce sat down and waited for his pancakes. Whilst he waited he couldn't help but think about how much he'd missed the time bomb of people he called friends. The playful banter in the morning around breakfast, the calmness of movie night. It made him feel at home and calm.

"Wanda when do you want to leave for the hospital?" Clint asked her as he handed out the next batch of pancakes.

"Whenever you're ready." She replied.

"Has there been any changes?" Sam asked.

"No. Just going day by day." Clint sighed. Everyone knew that Pietro was a touching subject with Clint and Wanda so they never forced them to talk about him.

"So Bruce, Natasha suggested that you should come and stay with us at the compound for a bit." Steve said.

"Uh yeah, we were talking about it last night. I was thinking of taking a bit of a break from work. Thought the compound would be the better option if that's ok with you?" Bruce asked cautiously.

"Of course it's ok! Hell, even I'm going over there soon." Tony interrupted again. "You are an Avenger after all." He added. Steve just shrugged and nodded in reply.

"So when are you heading back?" Bruce inquired.

"Tomorrow morning sometime."

"Hmm I might have to head out a bit later, I've still got some stuff to clear up first."

"It's ok there's no rush. Sam you ready?" Steve asked.

"Do you have to run now? It's only nine thirty." Sam grumbled.

"Haha yes now come on" Steve stood and clapped Sam on the shoulder. "See you all later." Steve said as he started to leave the room. He gave Wanda a gentle kiss on the top of her head as he passed her.

"Fiiiiine. See ya." Sam dragged out as he stood to leave. Bruce, Clint and Wanda all said their farewells when Vision entered the room. Wanda's mood immediately lifted at the sight of him.

"Good morning Miss Maximoff." Vision said as he sat at the table. "Dr Banner, Clint, Tony." He nodded at the men who nodded back.

"Morning Vis." Tony replied as he nursed his mug of coffee reading something on his phone.

"Wanda I'll meet you at the elevator in about ten minutes." Clint said as he stood.

"Ok see you then." She replied with a sad smile.

They sat in silence for a few minutes before F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke.
"Dr Banner, Helen Cho requests your presence in your lab." Bruce sighed.
"Back to work I go I suppose." He said as he swallowed the rest of his pancakes.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y please play song thirty-six" Tony said.

Hi Ho Hi Ho , Its Off To Work We Go! Started to play through the speakers. Everyone in the room started to laugh. "See you all later." Bruce said shaking his head as he left the room.

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