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"I know you probably can't hear me but I wanted to talk to you. It's been too long since I've done this with you. I've made progress with training and learning the 'American Way' as Clint puts it. Things are a bit crazy at the minute. There was this siege at the hospital you used to be in and it was basically down hill from there. Clint got hurt but he's ok now... I think.

Finally met Laura, she's pretty cool but then again she had to put up with Clint. You'd love the kids by the way especially Nathaniel. His chubby cheeks are adorable! Actually I think you'd love it here in general. The movie nights are my favourite but I'm sure you'd love to play games with the boys. Please wake up Pietro." Wanda grabbed Pietro's hand. It was colder than normal but then again the temperature had dropped a bit. "I know you're busy dreaming. I can feel it. I wish I could see what you do but... I miss talking to you. Properly that is."

"Wanda, Captain Rogers is holding a meeting. There has been a new development in our current case." Vision said as he walked through the wall. Wanda still wasn't used to seeing him do that.

"Tell him I'll be there in a minute. And please use the door next time."


"Claire Temple got in touch this morning, said she had info about the hospital siege. Turns out it was just a gang war that started in Hell's Kitchen. Rumlow was just using it was a cover." Steve told the team.

"You can't be serious? They had way too much man power for it just to be a gang war!" Rhodey practically shouted. "Hell even some of them looked like they had military training!"

"I'm gonna have to agree with Rhodey on that one." Sam stated.

"If Claire's statement, Thor's encounter and the Police report are anything to go by then yes, it's true." Steve pulled up a police report. "There are currently several known gangs in New York that were all reported to have been seen at the hospital."

"Wait. How big is this gang war?" Wanda asked.

"By the looks of it, bigger than any other New York has ever seen." Sam replied.

"There are Korean, Chinese, Japanese gangs that have grown big in the last couple of years. Russian and Eastern European gangs have made them selves well known along with a couple of smaller gangs from Harlem and Brooklyn. Tensions have been rising between all of them. It was only a matter of time before something bad happened again. "Steve informed the team. "A few years ago there was a shoot out at a park resulting in several civilian deaths."

"Jesus Christ." Rhodey muttered.

"I've agreed to work closely with police on this case. Hopefully we'll be able to stop something like this from happening again."

"Did you say Russian and Eastern European?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Eastern Europe and Russia have been fighting for years. Everyone has had some kind of military training. They will be dangerous." Wanda told Steve.

"I'll let the police know and warn them." Steve responded.

"So we just wait to see what happens next?" Clint asked.

"Unfortunately so. Training starts up properly again tomorrow, we have to be ready at all times."

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