Tony and Clint

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Tony watched Clint and Laura. Although they were getting a divorce you could tell they still loved each other. It made Tony feel happy in a way. Hell if Clint could find someone who loved him then there was hope for everyone.

"Shall we go and have a drink?" Sam asked breaking the silence.

"God yes!" Clint said pulling away from Laura.

"No need to answer for me Clint, I would never turn down a drink!" Thor said. The team broke out laughing. "Onwards my friends we need to get out of here." Thor said gesturing at the door.

"You won't be going anywhere." A voice said from behind them.

"Clint get down!" Tony shouted as he fired a shot in the direction of the voice. The man shot back and hit Clint in his legs. Steve tackled the shooter and they both fell to floor. Steve took out a plastic disc and shoved it into the mans mouth. Everything happened so quickly that Laura and Wanda just stood in a daze.

"Clint! Come on man let's get you out of here." Tony said as went to over too him.

"Unless you can carry me I ain't going anywhere with this leg." Clint said putting pressure onto his wound. Vision kneeled down next to him. "Oh no!" Clint shouted once he understood why Vision was so close.

"Clint stop acting like an idiot and let him carry you." Natasha said as she sat next to him.

"But it's weird."

"Clint Helen is at the tower so you should get going now." Tony said rolling his eyes.

"Fine but if you touch me in my no touch zone I'll find away to kill you." Clint said glaring at Vision.

"I can promise you that there will be no touching in your "no touch zone" Clint." Vision replied.

"Let's get this over with." Clint muttered as he attempted to lift himself up. Vision put his arms under Clint's knees and back and slowly lifted him up.

"Helen and Claire Temple are waiting in Bruce's lab. Steve what are you doing with him?" Tony asked pointing at the guy that was currently being pinned under Steve's shield.

"Taking him back to the Compound and see if he'll spill anything." The man laughed.

"Need any help?" Tony offered.

"No it's ok, Natasha already told them. You just focus on getting everyone back in one piece."


"I'll admit Mr Barton when we transferred Pietro I wasn't expecting to see you again." Claire admitted as she looked at Clint's leg.

"No offence but I had no intention in seeing you again. How come your here anyway?"

"Well since the hospital got taken over we had a lot of patients and casualties. The major casualties went to other hospitals and your very own Tony Stark opened up the Tower for less major cases."


"Indeed wow. Quite generous. Ok this will hurt." Claire slowly pulled the bullet out of Clint's leg. "Luckily for you there was no major damage."

"Still hurts like shit though!" Clint's said through gritted teeth. He looked down at his leg to see the damage. "Ok that looks bad. I though you said there was no damage?!"

"I said no major damage. Besides, Helen will be able to make this look like new. You of all people should know that."

"Yeah I probably sh- OW!" Clint screamed. "Tell me if you are going to stab me yeah?"

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