Tony and Steve

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Tony leaned into the hug. All of the emotions that Tony had tried to suppress with the alcohol built up until they all came out. Tony didn't realise he was crying until he felt Clint hold him tighter.

"I'm sorry Tony. If I'd had known I'd..."

"Clint's it's ok." Tony whispered. "I accepted their deaths long ago it's... it's the fact I was lied to. For so long."

"Let's get you home."

"I can't. I can't see him." Tony pulled away and wrapped his arms around himself. He glanced at Cooper but couldn't see him because of the glare of the flashlight. "I'm sorry."

"No! Don't be sorry. Look, why don't you stay at the tower with Laura and the kids? You said yourself you're retired from these special ops missions so you'll be ok there. Please? I want to make sure you're safe."

"It will be so much fun to have you stay with us since Kate and Luke are leaving." Cooper babbled.

"Wait why are they leaving?" Tony asked.

"Hiding 'cus they stole a quinjet and everything. Please Tony. It's not the same without you."


Tony walked into his workshop. It was so quite. He wasn't used to it being like this. Usually his bots would be beeping away or his music would be blasting out of the speakers. If it weren't for Clint and Cooper he probably wouldn't have seen his workshop again. He owed them. He sat at his work table and pulled up his old laptop.  He swiped away a few droplets of oil off the top before opening it. Thankfully it still had some battery life.

[One month ago] how's my favourite mechanic?

[23:14] Could be better. How you doing kid?

[23:16] That has to be a new record. That's your fastest reply! Also I'm good, starting working on a new project but my sister got sick so I've been looking after her

[23:17] Shouldn't you be in bed? It's pretty late, don't you have a bed time?

[23:19] New record! And no, I don't have a bed time :P

[23:20] Seems legit. What was your project?

[23:21] world domination.


[23:21] go big or go home.

[23:22] shouldn't you be stopping me?

[23:23] probably but for some reason I don't think you have enough power to do that.

[23:30] you should never underestimate the little guy

[23:31] so mr mechanic, why you talking today?

[23:34] do I need a reason?

[23:35] it's just weird. You usually never talk first. You only normally reply when I spam you

[23:37] well today is a little different. I have a question.

[23:40] .... what kind of question?

[23:41] nothing major I promise. What's your plan for Christmas?

[23:43]( ͠° ͟ ͜ʖ ͡°)

[23:44] seriously? That's it? I thought you gonna ask if I wanted to join the avengers.

[23:45] well I kinda am? Do you want to spend Christmas with me and some of the Avengers? There's someone I want you to meet.

[23:46] I don't think my mom will let me.

[23:48] don't worry about that I'll talk to her.

[23:49] ok then. Should be fun :) also who do you want me to meet?

[23:50] it's a surprise.

[23:52] :/ ok then. Till next time Mr Mechanic.

[23:52] see ya kid

Tony closed the laptop and pulled up the plans to drone that he had been working on the past couple of weeks. He just needed to finish putting it together. He started tinkering away at the drone determined to mark it off his to-do list.


"He was a mess. He only came back because he didn't have to see you at the Tower." Clint placed his hand on Steve's shoulder. "I'm sorry man. I think he's done." Clint said before leaving Steve in his office. Natasha stayed sitting opposite Steve.

"I don't think he's done." Natasha finally said after a while. "I've seen him at his worst, when he'd given up. He just needs some time."

"I don't think time is going to help. I think I've lost him." Steve felt tears gathering in the corner of his eyes. He'd fucked up and gone and lost one of his closets friends. "I've failed the team."

Natasha walked and pulled Steve into a hug. "No you haven't. You were trying to help. No one can blame you for that."

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do without him Nat."

"We'll think of something. I promise, Tony will come back."

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