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Steve was sat in the kitchen area on his laptop. He was going over things that Tony had called "memes". Apparently they were very popular. A lot of them he didn't understand due to them being pop culture references that he hadn't caught up with yet. He liked the grumpy cat because it reminded him of Tony and Clint when they first woke up in the morning. Other ones he found to be very confusing. The KeemStar ones were very confusing to him. He had traced the majority of his memes back to someone called Leafyishere and after watching a few of his videos (one resulting in a rather embarrassing moment with Tony) he didn't see the point in it.

"Captain Rogers, Mr Stark requests your presence in his workshop" F.R.I.D.A.Y said to him.
"Tell him I'm on my way." He said as he closed his laptop.
"Sir said "Run Forest Run" and that it is urgent." F.R.I.D.A.Y said.
Steve laughed and ran to the workshop.


"What have you done now?" Steve asked with his arms crossed.
"Amazingly nothing. Well yet anyway. That's why I wanted to talk to you." Tony motioned with hands at a stool opposite the work bench he was sat at. Steve sat and quirked his eyebrow.
"It's not like you to ask."

"Well it's not for me."

"... I'm intrigued."

"It's for Wanda and Clint."


"Well you know they won't be able to see Pietro as much as they do now when we go back and I have a plan to help them." 

"I'm sensing a but."

"I'm getting to that stop interrupting me. Anyway, my plan is to move Pietro from the hospital to facility but, we need to make an area just for Pietro and all the machines and stuff."

"So I need you to help me."

"Well we do have a spare room near the medical wing that could be converted into a hospital style room for him At the minute it's just a storage room."

"We can start to draw the plans up when we get there."

"Ok. Is that all?"
"Yeah. Oh wait when are we leaving?"

"Five o'clock."  Steve stood and went to the door.

"I thought we were supposed to be leaving earlier?"

"We were but I thought we could do with a bit of a rest before heading back. See you later Tony."

"Wait one more thing! Don't tell anyone? I want it to be a surprise."
Tony said as he looked at his feet.  Steve couldn't help but let out a little smile.

"Ok Tony I'll keep it a secret." Steve once again turned to the door. He reached for the handle when he felt something nudge his leg. Dum-E. Steve let out a chuckle and rubbed the robot.

"Dum-E who let you out the corner?" Tony asked. Steve let out a laugh as he left the room.


Steve had a couple of hours to kill time and so he was on the way to the gym. He was stood in the elevator on the way to the gym when a song started to play.
Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
"F.R.I.D.A.Y what is this song?" Steve asked.

"Physical is song from the 80's and is commonly used when people exercise although some say it has a more sexual meaning. Mr Stark has programmed the song to play whenever yourself, Mr Wilson or Mr Barton go to the gym."

"Does he have a song for everything?"

"Indeed. He also has personal songs for you all."

"Really? What are they?"

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