Steve and Tony

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When they got off the quinjet Steve took Tony to the spare room. The rest of the team went off to their own rooms.

"Here we are." Steve said as he swung open the door.

"Well...." Tony started. The room was filled with boxes.

"Yeah I know.... we could start to clean it out tomorrow? When everyone is training?"

"Don't you train with them?"

"Occasionally. I mainly go over plans though at that time."

"Hhhmm well as long as it won't distract you too much."

"It's a good cause. I can definitely find time." They stood in silence for a few minutes looking at the mass of boxes.

"Well we should get going before anyone thinks we're up to something." Tony winked.

"Yeah that is a good idea." Steve said as he began to rub the back of his neck.


"So what you all fancy for dinner?" Steve asked from the kitchen area.

"Pizza!" Clint shouted.

"You always want Pizza." Natasha said with an eye roll.

"Because it's the food of the Gods. It's so damn good!"


""Pizza sounds good." Sam said as he walked to the counter.

"With garlic bread?" Wanda asked.

"And wedges!" Tony contributed with a smile.

"Ok fine pizza it is." Steve said with a sigh. Every night Clint would say pizza and somehow he never got bored of it. Steve just did not understand how that was possible. Yes he came from a time where food was scarce and they had very little variety but nowadays there is so much variety and flavours. How can someone like just one food?

"I'll order it. You lot can pick something to watch." Clint said as he took the phone from Steve.

"Are we watching a film?" Vision asked as he walked to the seating area.

"I dunno I was thinking we could watch a show instead." Tony said.

"How about American Horror Story?" Wanda asked.

"Horror?!" Steve asked with a slightly horrified tone.

"Don't worry big guy it's not that bad." Tony said with a wink.

"It's actually a really good show." Natasha said with smile.

"I haven't heard of it." Bruce said.

"Then it's settled. American Horror Story it is." Clint said as he rejoined the group. They sat down in their seats. Bruce and Natasha on the two seater on one side of the room, Sam in the love seat alone, Vision sat on the right of Wanda and Clint on her left on the three seater and Steve and Tony sat on the other two seater but they weren't as close as Bruce and Natasha sat. Rhodey sat in an arm chair off to side of Sam.

Steve was kinda anxious about this. He wasn't a massive horror fan.

"Hey it's ok." Tony said with a smile as he squeezed Steve's forearm. It was a very quiet and no one seemed to notice. Steve smiled back. It can't be that bad of show Steve thought. What's the worst that could happen?


Less than ten minutes and Steve was terrified. The worst part? It's not even that scary. When the credits finally started to play Steve let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding in. One by one they left for their own rooms except Steve and Tony.

"You ok?" Tony asked him with a slightly concerned look.

"Er... yeah?"

"You looked completely freaked out."

"I'm just not used to stuff like that."

"Ahh I get it. Do you want a drink?" Tony asked as he stood up.

"I think a glass of water will do." Tony left to get the drinks. He came back with a glass of water and a bottle of whiskey.

"So what time tomorrow do you wanna start working on the room?" Tony asked after he poured himself a drink.

"Around nine I suppose. If I start training with the others F.R.I.D.A.Y can tell me that I'm needed else where then they might fall for it." Steve said contemplating the idea.

"That's actually a good idea. Natasha is rubbing off on you."

"Haha. She taught me to be a little sneaky back in Washington. Don't tell her though."

"As if I would. Your secrets safe with me capsicle." They sat in silence for a few minutes.

"I should probably get going to bed."

"Your old age Rogers. It's showing."

"Oh shush you."

"Make me."

"Maybe I will." Steve said as he stood up and stretched. His top rode up a bit revealing a bit of his lower abs. Tony definitely didn't look.

"Goodnight Tony. And don't drink too much." Steve said with a nod as he left the room.

"I never do." Tony said after him. He sat there for about half an hour. He just wasn't tired. He didn't know why but he just had to do something. "That's it." He said to himself as he stood up. "Let's start work a little early." Tony walked to the spare room. "Time to do some heavy lifting."


"Morning." Tony said to everyone as he walked into the kitchen area. Clint passed him the coffee pot. "Thanks babe." Tony said as he grabbed it. Clint rolled his eyes.

"Hungry?" Sam asked from the stove.

"Nah I'm alright. Have fun at training." Tony said as he walked to door.

"Where you off to?" Steve asked.

"Got a meeting. Hopefully the last one." And with that Tony was gone. Everyone sat and ate their bacon and eggs.

"Ten minutes then training." Steve said as he left and headed to the training area. He started to write down the plans for their training. Everyone would spend an hour doing their own thing and work on their strengths before working together and sparring and finally ending with them working on their stamina.

They had been working for forty odd minutes when F.R.I.D.A.Y said Steve's presence was required in the medical area.

"Hmm I wonder what that's all about." Steve heard Rhodey say as he left. He was expecting to see Tony outside the room waiting but he wasn't. He was stood inside a now very empty room with a table and Stark Pad.

"Uh Tony?" Steve asked as he entered the room. "What happened to the boxes?"

"Hmm? Oh right. I moved them to the garage."


"Last night. I couldn't sleep, thought I'd give us a head start." Steve sighed. Pepper had warned him about Tony working too hard yet Steve had never witnessed it first hand.

"So what's the plan?" Steve asked as he crossed his arms.

"Flooring and walls."

"Got any ideas?"

"Thinking of tiles for the floor but tasteful. Not like the shit ones in the hospitals."


"Sorry. Walls I'm thinking we just paint over with a colour that matches the tiles when we pick them out."

"Ok. When are we going to pick them out?"



"Yeah, you got time off now, Clint and Wanda are going see Pietro, Natasha and Sam are going pick Bruce up and Rhodey and Vision are watching some TV or something plus everyone thinks I'm in a meeting. Now is the perfect time Cap."

"Fine. I'll grab a jacket." Steve huffed.

"Meet you in the garage!" Tony shouted after him.

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