Chapter 2 "Can we get to know each other?"

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Next morning I woke up very early. I didn't have an alarm clock, but in the 21 years of my life I had become accustomed to waking up at the same time. Frank lay beside me curled in a ball. My eyes stopped on him. He's even more beautiful when he's sleeping. He was so calm, peaceful... What is it with me? Okay, I need to eat. I haven't eaten since yesterday; it was necessary to gather products then. I very quietly and carefully climbed into the truck, trying not to wake Frank, where I hoped to find something for breakfast. I noticed a pack of cookies in the back and decided to get it. Though of course, I am an ungainly loser! I wanted to do everything quietly and not wake sleeping Frank, but dropped a bottle, which clattered nearby. Fortunately it didn't break .

"Gerard ... what are you doing? What time is it?" Frank asked sleepily and opened his eyes.

I sighed in frustration, because the task 'do not wake up Frank' failed.

"I wanted to eat, but don't want to wake you," I said, opening the cookies and handing it to the guy.

"Don't worry, I got enough sleep . Everything is fine!"

I looked at Frank. He smiled at me and gently took the biscuit, still afraid of me. Not surprisingly; we've only known each other for one day. His smile... it was the first time I saw him smile. It was really quite beautiful. As for me, I was always dissatisfied with my appearance. And Frank... he was like a doll, his facial features, his hair. There was a slight increase in his voice.

"Can you hear me? Hey!"

"Yes, I'm sorry... what were you saying?"

"We really don't know anything about each other. Since we are here now after yesterday, can we get to know each other?"

Frank looked like a baby; his voice sounded something naive. Today he was another person. Yesterday he looked exhausted, depressed, overwhelmed. Today he was quite calm, as if he had forgotten everything that happened yesterday. Even I'm still worried and afraid, but this guy... Either he really was an optimist or tried to seem like optimist.

'Hell... what can I tell him about myself...?'

I never got acquainted with anyone in real life. Did you know meeting in social networks is much easier? And now I just swallowed my tongue, stared at the floor and tried to sort out something in my head that I can tell him about myself.

"Well... I've lived in Milford for less than a year. I'm here alone. I love to draw and read. And watch movies. But most of all to draw..."

Frank stared at me carefully and caught every word.

"I've lived here since birth, learning in high school. I'm glad to meet you," the guy said quickly and barely legible, and gave me his hand.

There was one more person in my life from this point.

All day we stayed and talked. We talked about various things, but most of all about Frank. Frank talked about his childhood, about school, about his friends, about hobbies. Turns out he played guitar and loved to sing, even wrote his covers on the camera and publicised them in social networks. I never listened to anyone so attentively. I was really interested to listen to him; if was as if I was reading another book.

I entered his life, and now I just felt like I had known him since childhood. But there was nothing I could tell about myself... The way I had been humiliated? Beaten? As I suffered and tried to commit suicide at night? No, Frank didn't need to know. It was long ago, it was in the past, and no one knew about it except me.

I didn't notice that it was already evening.

Almost always, I was alone. Time dragged painfully on. Every time I looked at the clock time seemed to be standing still. Days stretched on forever for me. Beside me was a man who was trying to distract me from myself and the situation. I didn't have hours. I didn't watching the time, and it passed very quickly. Then I thought about the phrase "time flies when you are having fun". Am I happy?

Believe it or not, I didn't think about my home for these two days, and this day was not like the previous one. Everything was completely different. Everything has changed. I still have trouble realising what was happening. During these two days as much has happened to me now as it has in my whole damn life!

Frank sat next to me, eating chips and watching the people who were in front of us. I managed to pull off a notebook and pencils from one of the supermarket shelves. I used to draw every day, and I started a real crash. I started to draw... Frank. He certainly didn't notice it, admiring the "lucky" ones caught up in this cage - the supermarket - as we are.

I took a pencil to the notebook sheet. I was so focused, I didn't notice that Frank looked at the notebook and smiled. I twitched, quickly closed the notebook and took it away.

"Your draw is very nice," handed Frank, moving closer to me and looked at me with eyes full of delight. It was almost the same expression that occurs in children five years old when they see a magic trick.

Nobody has ever seen my drawings before. I will not show it. In my bedroom is a whole box of my drawings, and no one saw them except me. I was a little angry and agitated. Despite the fact that I often was pleased with my works, I didn't really want to show it to another person, especially those who I drew.

But in Frank's eyes I saw genuine, sincere feeling. Does he really liked my drawing?

"Thank you." It was all I was able to squeeze out of myself.

I want to sleep. So many things had happened that day and I was awfully tired. I saw that Frank was sleepy, especially since I woke him up too early.

Lying on the hard floor was uncomfortable, so we had to sleep sitting up. Leaning on the wall, I almost fell asleep, and felt something. When I opened my eyes, I saw that Frank had put his head on my shoulder and slept. Inside of me there was a strange feeling. I hadn't ever felt it before. I watched him for a few minutes and didn't notice that I went to sleep.

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