Chapter 2

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"Okay but we have to go back to our farm i think its the best chance we have of surviving." Casey said

"Why's that?" Shawn countered.

"Well there is a 30 ft brick wall around our land with a gate and electrified barbed wire at the top, a heard of cattle, horses, pigs, chickens and goats, guns, food, and medical supplies but you are right we have to get more of everything just in case." I replied.

"So we need to hit up the gun shop, Walmart, the gas station, and the feed store maybe grab another car and head to the farm." Casey stated.

"Where to first." Chase asked with that goofy country boy grin on his face.

"Well considering the gun shop is right over there." I pointed a bit annoyed at how unobservant he was.

"Oh right, lets go." Chase started up his truck and punched the gas. swerving to avoid the few "zombies" that weren't following the sound of guns.

We pulled up beside the gun shop and jumped out of our trucks. The boys examined the shop through the window not seeing any movement they pulled the doors open. The store hasn't been touched at all. Which wasn't that odd assuming that everyone in our small town in Kentucky owned at least one gun.

"Alright we each take an isle grab everything. I do mean everything, I've seen enough zombie movies to know that one gun is not enough." Nate stated.

We each grabbed a bag off the shelves, I went down The isle with the shotguns I grabbed them all with all the shotgun shells and put them in my bag, I also grabbed a few knives from the unlocked case and went back to the front When 10 of the people riddled with bites one of which the intestines were hanging out of his abdomen, Its blood a dark red almost black. They started to advance on us.

"Guys! Ya'll need to hurry up!" I shouted only making them advance quicker. The others ran out of the isles bags full of weapons.

"Everyone get to the trucks fast!" Chase shouted pulling out a loaded mark 3 semi automatic hand gun and started firing at the weird eyed people.

He was a good shot but he was aiming for their hearts and not their heads and even I have seen enough zombie movies to know that you have to shoot them in the head so all the ones he shot would fall down and get right back up again.

"Chase you have to shoot them in the head." I said as they started to get a lot closer and more were approaching behind them at the sound of gunfire.

Chase corrected his aim and he took down all of the people riddled with bite marks that he could see, having to reload the clip a few times. We all got in the trucks Nate had decided to ride with us, I figured that out after he grabbed my arm without saying anything and scared the shit out of me. I started the truck and we barreled down the street to the Walmart the doors were closed here as well which made me wonder when this all started seeing as Casey and I had been at the ranch all weekend. We parked as close as we could to the doors that way we would have an easy escape. Shawn passed us all a handgun and a few extra clips. While I grabbed the knives I had found and passed them out.

"Lets make sure its clear before we grab what we need. No matter what we don't split up in here its too big." Nate said and we all nodded in agreement.

Nate and Chase pried the door open with a crowbar and walked in guns at the ready the lights were still on which I guess was kind of a good sign and everything looked like it had not been touched. But then I started to hear shuffling and low moans coming from our right from behind the bakery's counter. Emerging from the back room came one of the zombies.

"I got this." Nate said as he pulled the knife out of his back pocket.

Running towards the zombie he embedded the knife in its skull. As the thing fell to the floor Nate pulled the knife out bringing brain bits with it.

"Alright ya'll lets keepa' walkin'." Caleb said calmly.

Chase and Nate went out in front of the group, Casey and I were in the middle, Shawn, Caleb, and Brandon followed up in the rear. We walked slowly and silently through the clothing and food sections when we reached the doors to the back room where we heard a lot of shuffling and moaning. We decided against going in the back not knowing how many of the moaning beasts were back there. Instead we opted to check the rest of the store praying that they didn't know how to open doors. We walked through the electronics, toys and the outdoor isles without seeing anything but when we reached the service center the door was wide open and there were nine zombies lurking through the tire section.

"We have to dispatch them and get that door shut so no more get in." Brandon whispered.

We all pulled out our knives Brandon went first taking out the one nearest to us, whilst Brandon was trying to pull his knife out of the beasts head another one who's face had been chewed almost completely off came out of the isle in front of Brandon. Nick rushed the creature tackling it towards the ground simultaneously stabbing it in the temple.

"Two down seven to go." Chased whispered in my ear as he ran towards the one that looked like he was browsing for a new stereo.

We all sprung into action all heading towards one of the zombies. Casey and I took the two on the right running up behind them and shoving our knives up where the spine and the skull connect. while the boys took down the rest I ran to shut the door before any more of those things could get in.

"Good job Reyna." Chase said as he winked at me.

"Thanks, you too." I said winking back.

"Alright you two lets get back to work." Caleb sighed.

We finished checking out the store the rest seemed clear so we each grabbed a cart and went to the food isle first grabbing most of the canned goods off the shelves, chips, seasonings, junk food, pasta, sauces, cases of water, and any meats that weren't going to spoil fast. Next we went into the clothing section and grabbed everything we thought that we would need, jackets, jeans, shirts, underwear and bras for Casey and I, a few things of socks meanwhile the boys grabbed their clothes. They walked over to us and flung their clothes in with ours we had filled two and a half carts already at this point, as we walked over to the shoe isle we heard the moaning again, only this time it was louder as if they had gotten closer to the door.

"We need to hurry." Nate whispered as to not bring them any closer to our location.

We grabbed as many pairs of running shoes as we could filling the third cart we made our way past the electronics seeing as we probably wouldn't need any new phones or video games when we we were living the game. But Nate decided to grab a couple packages of long range walkie talkies and we went back to the camping and gun area grabbing more guns, knives, and bullets. a few tents, sleeping bags, lanterns, flashlights, batteries, a few generators, fishing rods, baseball bats from the sports section, and 10 canisters for gas, filling up two more carts the other two we chose to save for the pharmacy and personal care. We silently continued toward the pharmacy, Nate and Chase raided the back for anything labeled penicillin, amoxicillin, any antibiotics, pain medication, like hydrocodone, and dilaudid. While Caleb, Brandon, Shawn, Casey and I grabbed bandages, antibacterial ointment, knee, hand, ankle and back braces just in case someone were to brake something. Casey and I grabbed all the boxes of tampax and pantie liners they had but just in case we grabbed some of the pads too. we moved on and grabbed deodorant, toothbrushes, and toothpaste when the boys approached with the other cart eyeing ours and blushing at its contents. In complete silence we went to the shampoo Isle grabbing all that we could. We skipped over the make up having no need for it and we went down the pet isle and saw that they had chicken feed so we grabbed a few bags of it.

"Alright I think this is enough for now we need to get going." Chase stated.

We walked up to the front where the bags were but along the way we saw a few backpacks and started to put our supplies in them seeing as they were sturdier but still a few items called for a bag so we bagged em up and made our way to the door which now had a few of the dead at them but at least the trucks were still there.

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