Chapter 3

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"Lets take care of these fuckers get this stuff loaded and get to the Exxon gas station across the way." Caleb said in a hurry to get this over with.

"We need to do this smart so that we are not overwhelmed by them." 

"How about two of you open the doors a little bit and let one or two in at a time close the doors back so we can dispatch them and so on?" I asked questioning my own idea.

"That's Brilliant!" Shawn yelled a bit too loudly making the dead moan louder.

"shhh!" We all said in sync.

     Shawn and Caleb opened the doors and they let in a few of them and we took them out with hardly any effort, We kept doing it until there weren't anymore near the door.

"Everybody ready?" Nate prodded.

     We all nodded in agreement as Shawn and Caleb opened the doors for the last time we piled all of our supplies into the trucks while they shut the doors making sure if we needed to this place wouldn't be overrun. But judging by the moans in the back it might be anyway... We got into the trucks and made our way across the street to the gas station actually happy that we lived in a small town and everything was relatively close by except for the farm. But we still had one more stop after the gas station I just pray that our farm hadn't been overrun. We stopped at the gas station filled up our tanks and the canisters we brought from the Walmart. Using all the pumps, I was surprised that they were still on. A few of the zombies started to shuffle our way so we booked it on out of there and to the feed store.

     When we arrived there was a big truck parked in the parking lot. We however parked with the tailgates facing toward the store. For easy access to put the feed in. Brandon pulled out a gun this one had a silencer on it. While Nate, Chase and Shawn opted for bats, Caleb grabbed flashlights because unlike the Walmart this stores didn't have it's lights on, and the three of us pulled out our knives. Brandon pulled open the feed store door and a cow bell rang above the door that's when we heard the moaning three zombies emerged out of the shadowy isles but before they could come any closer Brandon let three bullets fly each fell to the ground actually dead this time we grabbed four carts not bothering to go through the entire store.

"Reyna and Casey, you grab the horse feed. Shawn and Caleb, you two grab the cow feed, Nate and Brandon Grab the pig feed, I'll grab the goat and a bit more chicken feed." Ordered Chase.

   We all set off to our assigned isles and grabbed as much feed as we could and we hurried out to the trucks. After the first two carts we ran out of room in the trucks. 

"Now what do we do?" Shawn Exclaimed. 

    Chase ran back inside, leaving us all with a "what are you doing" look on our faces not daring to say anything aloud in fear of the zombies hearing us and coming this way. After what seemed like forever Chase emerged from the store a triumphant look on his face as he held up a set of keys to the blue truck in the lot. He tossed the keys to Brandon. Who almost dropped them.

"Go back it up we are taking it with us." Chase said with that smile again.

    We loaded up the blue Chevy Colorado and Nate passed Brandon and I a walkie.

"Keep It on channel 7 so if somebody gets lost we'll have a way to contact the other trucks, Reyna and Casey Ya'll will lead the way lets get going." Nate commanded as we piled in the trucks, and our little convoy made our way towards home.

**Hey guys sorry this chapters a bit short, I hope you are all enjoying so far. Leave me comments and feedback don't forget to vote!! I should be updating a few chapters a day so hang in there!!**

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