big brother

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—just bc I really like the show Big Brother. If you haven't watched the show then you won't understand.

Connor and Troye are both contestants on the tv show Big Brother. The two soon are in a show-mance with one another, and are afraid someone will put the two onto the block and evict them.



I walked into the HOH room, I had just won HOH and now me and Troye are safe for the week. Everyone tried back-dooring me last week but they just didn't have enough votes.

I entered the HOH room, Troye following behind. I turn around, Troye raising his arms behind my neck, hugging me tightly. He said, "we're safe for the week" cheerfully. I nodded.

I feel back onto the huge circular bed.
Troye laughed, laying down beside me, I put my arm around him, his head on my chest.

Kian walked into the room, a huge smile on his face. "Congrats, dude" he said slapping my knee, that was hanging off the end of the bed, sitting down onto the couch across from the bed.

"Thanks" I said, before kissing Troyes head.

Kian was one of the people I trust most.  All couples in the house are sticking together, Kian and Andrea, Troye and I, and Jc and Jenn. Also Sam.

The house calls Kian, Jc, Sam and I competition beasts. That's why the house is trying to get us out, because we're a threat to their game.



I sat on the couch in the living room, Connor sat on one of the two 'block chairs'. People sit on those chairs when they're on the block. Yes, he's on the block. Along side Jenn.

I've tried campaigning for him to stay this week, but everyone is determined to get him out this week. Then next week they want to try and get Kian out, then Sam, and the list goes on.

Julie's face soon appeared on the tv screen. My heart racing to hear the results.

"We have the results, the evicted houseguest will have just a few moments to say their goodbyes, grab his or her belongings, and walk out the front door," Julie's voice rang through the screen. Me and Andrea hanging onto each other "with 5-0."

There was a pause, in that moment I swear my heart stopped. Andrea held onto my arm tighter.

I look over at Connor, his head was down. He looked up and we made eye contact, he tried to force a smile but you could tell he knew he was heading home.

"Connor," Julie spoke "you have been evicted from the Big Brother house."

Tears began to fall from my eyes, we all stood up and lined up for hugs. I was the first person Connor hugged. I held onto him, not wanting to let go.

"You gotta win this for me, okay?" Connor said into my ear. I nodded, crying. "I love you so much and you're going to kill it. I'll see you on finale night, my koala, okay?" I nodded again, hugging him tighter.

"I love you so much, Connah. I'm going to miss you." I cried, my head in the crease of his neck and his shoulder.

"I'll miss you more, my angel. I love you too" Connor said before pulling away from our hug.

He hugged a few more people before he got to Sam, who was holding the bag of Connor's belongings.

"Keep Troye safe for me" he whispered, Sam nodded.

Connor said goodbye and walked out the front door.

He was gone.


Sam kept his promise to Connor, he kept me safe as long as he could.

I was soon evicted, Jenn following after.


It was finale night, we were all dressed up and ready to find out who was going to win Big Brother Season 20. I was evicted two weeks after Connor was. Kian was out the week before, just like they (the other side of the house) had planned.

We all sat in chairs in front of the doors that lead into the big brother house. The house guests that didn't make it into the jury house, sat across from us.

Connor sat beside me in the back row of chairs, Kian to my left.

Jc and Sam were the last ones in the big brother house, we all just casted our votes. It was hard because I want both of them to win but I could only choose one. My vote went to Jc, if either of them win I will happy for them.

Connor had his hand on my knee, I moved my hand so it was on top of his. We intertwined our fingers. I look over at him, he's already looking at me, smiling.

I leaned over and whispered "I'm nervous" into his ear. He nodded.
He kissed my cheek.


"Congratulations, Jc. You're the winner of big brother!" Julie cheered, into the mic.

Confetti went off and everyone cheered, both Jc and Sam left the house, standing in the crowd of house guests.

Connor had his hand on my waist, holding me close to him as we went off air. I looked around the crowd to see my parents and my sister. I rushed over to them.

I ran into my mother's arms and hugged her tight. She started crying, repeatedly saying "I missed you".

I turned around to see Connor behind me, smiling big. I turn back to my mom

I said, "mum, I want you to meet Connah". They said hello to one another and hugged each other. Connor shook hands with my dad and my sister.


It has been one year since Troye and Connor left the Big Brother house, they are happily together, Troye couldn't ask for anything more.

He was happy.



do any of you watch Big Brother?
it's honestly one of my favourite shows.


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