Part 6

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I finally made it over to the BTS house to see Jimin running around the kitchen in a paranoid mess.

"I've been cooking your food for a while, what makes you think I'm going to ruin it now?" Jin said, standing over a pan of frying vegetables.

"It's always a good time to start new things." I heard a different voice call out from the living room. My eyes quickly darted over to the one person I was yet to befriend. Kim Namjoon.

"I agree with him." I stated simply as I pushed Jin to the side with my hip to take over cooking duties. As I was cooking with my own thoughts, I felt two round objects push into my arms. I looked to my right and left to see JHope and Jungkook pressing their heads into my biceps.

"April-noona~ I'm hungry." Jungkook pleaded.

"And Joonie is being mean to me." JHope persisted.

"I'm sure you deserved it." I laughed as JHope just continued to frown at me. "As for you, Jungkook, you'll just have to be patient."

"I cannntt!" He whined back.

"Oh just be quiet. I'll be done soon." I pet his head as he grabbed JHope's hand like a child and dragged him away.

"Finally." I sighed to myself as I transferred the now roasted vegetables onto rice. I put the pan in the sink, planning to wash it later, when I felt a presence behind me.

"So are you here to ridicule me for my cooking skills? Or possibly lack there of. Because if so I'd prefer that you'd not." I turned to the man in the small kitchen with me.

"Why are you here."

"It was either work for Big Hit or fail my class for some vague reason. I'm not going to fail for something I wasn't aware of. Plus, traveling is always a bonus." I said, as Namjoon just rolled his eyes.

"Not why you're at Big Hit, pabo. Why you're with us, BTS. You work with the design people, not the idols." He said coldly, an embarrassed blush rising to my cheeks.

"Hey, it's not like I planned to come here. I thought I was here to work, not babysit some spoiled overgrown children." I shot back as Rap Monster continued to glare.

"I bet you got on your knees and begged for this position."

"I've been here less than a week! I could give a shit about being your personal maids. I had just landed in Korea when your manager took me here! So why don't you just shut up about something you know nothing of!" I angrily yelled. I could tell he was cut off guard but I could roll with confused. I slipped my shoes back on and left without another word. I slammed the door to my apartment and quickly dialled the number of the BTS manager.


"Hi, it's April. Look, I don't know why I'm a caretaker for BTS. They are mostly grown men and can take care of themselves. Can I just work with the design crew and let that be that?" I rambled on without letting poor manager-nim get another word in.

"I guess, I don't want them causing too much trouble for you. You don't have to go back, I'll have a conversation with them. I'm truly sorry."

"Oh no, it's totally okay. I'm just not getting along with a member and I don't want that to effect anyone else in the group." I explained as a sigh of relief was heard through my phone's small speaker.

"I'm glad that's the only problem. I'm still sorry...if there's anything I can do to fix this don't hesitate to ask. I'm heading into a meeting, so I'll talk to you later." Manager-nim said as I hummed in agreement.

"Thank you, goodbye."


But even after my conversation with the lovely manager of BTS, I couldn't get Namjoon out of my head. His words seemed misdirected and open ended but I didn't have enough time to question it. I just have to move on, but I think that's easier said than actually done. This would take a while...hopefully not that long....

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