Part 12

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The plane had bad turbulence, making my gut swing side to side, up and down with each and every bump we hit. As the group was put into first class, the seats were two by two, not the three by three I was so used to. So of course I was put next to the man that made my cheeks flush but was still a raging ASS.  Tired with the silence, I swallowed my pride and did the unthinkable.

"What did I do to you?" gathering RM's attention, he turned to me and raised a single eyebrow. 

"Excuse me?" his voice rumbled lowly from the lack of use during the duration of this trip.

"Right off the bat, once I came and started working, you distanced yourself before you got to know me," I said, slowly so I could control my voice. 

"You're too-" "No, actually, you know what? I'm not going to deal with this. I'm the one talking, not you." the confidence I so strangely was able to gather swelled in my chest, leaving him flabbergasted. 

"You didn't even know me and automatically every word you spoke to me was so malicious that I couldn't even be with the group most days, all because I knew you were with them. Rightfully so, of course. But you just made it so difficult to be with people that actually made me happy, I was sacrificing my own wellbeing for a boy, a KID, that couldn't even give me the time of day if I was on my hands and knees begging. But I did nothing to deserve it. I didn't spit on your shoes the moment I saw you walk into the room, I didn't insult you or your friends, I was civil. Hell, I was nice! And now, you have the audacity to - to -" "To what..?" his voice demanded as his eyebrows furrowed at my frustrated expression. 

"Nevermind." I shut down, that once familiar confidence leaving my chest, leaving nothing but the feeling of pure emptiness. 

"No!" his voice raising to an angered whisper, trying to not disturb the so many sleeping figures around us. The plane rumbled once more and for a split second I thought RM may have some kind of elemental power, his anger surging the weather to cause a more rocky path for the airplane. It seemed that realistic at the moment.

"You can't go on a tangent, insulting me and pointing each and every way I've already caused trouble for you after knowing you for what....three months?!" his fingers turned white as he gripped his arm rest with such conviction I was convinced that the stuffing was bound to puff out at any give moment. His voice was sharp and coarse but a small tinge of hurt was the underlying feeling of each syllable and phrase. 

"So finish what you were going to say!" he scowled at my hesitation, but I cowardly turned my head down, trying to formulate a response that could satisfy him for the time being. 

"What gives you the audacity to do this to me?" I ended up speaking so softly the cruel man next to me bent down, his ear tantalizingly close to my lips. 

"To do what?" 

"Make me feel like crap and then hopeful all in one conversation! The way you treat me is exactly like this goddamned turbulence! Up one moment but it's so short-lived I'm not 100% sure it even happened!  You had the audacity to make me cry, but then blush like some school-bound fool! What contract did you sign that allowed you to think that it was okay to treat me like that?!" 

RM froze, clearly not realizing that he had such an affect on me. I slumped back into my chair, pulled my legs to my chest, and looked at the Pacific Ocean. 

I could tell he wanted to say something.

I could tell he had the words.

But I could tell that I was in no place to wanting to hear them.



















Not for now at least. 

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