Chapter 4

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Barry's Pov

Yep. I am so going to be late to work today. But I still stopped at Jitters for a coffee. I was already late so why not?

I got my coffee and I saw Iris talking to one of her friends. I stood there for a moment. I have to admit, she's kinda pretty. 

I shook my head and walked on over. 

".........You and Barry are alike." Iris said.

I smiled and said "Who's like me?"

Iris's friend jumped a little in her seat. She stared at me for a moment and I smiled. Either its just me or she was totally checking me out. And I was totally....not.....sorta......maybe a little bit.....Ahh you get the point. I was checking her out as well.

I was just telling Raven, that you two have something in common." Iris said.

"Putting Ketchup on Kraft Dinner? Blowing bubbles in chocolate milk?" I said.

Raven laughed and said "Both are awesome."

God her laugh is awesome. 

Iris shook her head and smiled.

"You two are weird. But no, that's not what I was talking about." Iris said.

Raven smiled and I sat down and sat my coffee on the table. I had sat right beside Raven. Iris smiled and Raven and I gave a questioning look to her.

"I was talking about how you two stay late at work a lot." She said.

I laughed and so did Raven.

"Oh. That." I said.

Raven looked up at Iris and Iris said "I better get back to work or I'll get in trouble."

She gave Raven a smile and then Iris got up and left. I smiled and looked at Raven.

"You ok?" I asked.

She  looked at him with a questioning look and I laughed and said "About what happened last night?"

"Oh!" She said. "That. Yeah I'm alright. I wasn't in any real danger."

I raised his eyebrows and said in disbelief "Are you kidding?! The two you called in about, are some pretty bad dudes."

She scoffed and said "Obviously not. I mean I hadn't even gotten to use some real Martial Arts on them and I was able to knock them out with beginner moves."

I slipped into Iris seat across from her and looked at her in shock.

"You know how to do Martial Arts?" I said.

She smiled and said "Yup. Learned it since I was Five. I also picked up and learned many moves from movies like Mortal Kombat and Naked Weapon. So I am pretty sure I can handle myself."

I smiled and sipped my coffee and said "Well add that to the new list of things I know about you."

She raised an eyebrow and sipped her hot chocolate.

"Oh?" She said. "And how big is that list."

"I work in a police place. I get to know people and criminals real easy. But to answer you, not very long." I said.

I looked at my watch and said "Speaking of which. I better get there before I am late."

I was almost to the door when I hear her say "And what do you know about me then Barry Allen?"

I stopped half way through the door and I said "That your name is Raven Montgomery, you like blowing bubbles in you chocolate milk, eating Ketchup with Kraft Dinner, and that you are very pretty." 

I smiled and walked out the door and once I was in an alley. I sped all the way up the wall and through the window into my office.

It was about a few minutes later we got a report about a meta human. And Cisco said it was The Piped Piper. 

I zoomed to Star Labs, got my suit and then sped to the crime scene. Sure enough he was there and trying to flirt with Raven. She had broke out some simple Martial Arts moves on him and then walked over to Joe. 

The Piped Piper sent waves at the cops and sent everyone to the ground. Raven dropped to the ground and I saw the shock in The Piped Piper's eyes. He had not intended on hurting her. But I didn't care.

I sped up to him and took off with him. He did send me flying with a bunch of his waves and he took off. I stood and I zoomed off in search of Raven. I felt a need to know if she was ok. If he really did hurt her.

I soon found her and zoomed right in front of her.

She jumped back in surprise and using my speed to vibrate my voice I said "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."

She sighed said "It's alright." 

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" I asked her.

"No, I'm ok." She raised an eyebrow and said "Who are you?"

I laughed and said "Well I am called The Streak. But I prefer to be called The Flash."

She smiled and said "Well thank you for checking up on me Flash."

"No Problem." I said.

Then I zoomed off and put my suit away and zoomed back to my office. I sat down and had just went to work on my stuff when Eddie and Joe came in.

I looked up and said "Hey guys."

"Hey Bear." Joe said.

"Another crime?" I asked.

Eddie nodded and said "And by the looks of things, he was flirting with Raven."

I felt something along the lines of anger but I knew it wasn't anger I felt towards The Piped Piper. But then what is it?

"Poor way of flirting if you scare the person with these strange powers you have." Joe said.

I laughed and said "Yeah, its like saying "Oh, hey. I like you and I am going to scare you and then flirt with you." If you ask me, that is a dumb move."

Eddie and Joe chuckled and Eddie said "Totally."

Joe yawned and said "I'm going to head home and call it a night."

"Me too." I said.

Eddie and Joe laughed and Joe said "Not staying late tonight?"

"Ha ha. Very funny." I said, grabbing my coat.

I walked out and making sure I was out of sight and then sped towards my apartment. I got there and I climbed into my bed. 

Man, today was eventful. 

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