Chapter 29

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Author's note:

Ok. Give me a minute to prepare before you all kill me.

This in NOT the end of the story. I still have more to give to this story. I am sorry for the cliffhanger.

Ok. That's all I have to say. Enjoy the chapter. 


Raven's Pov

It was a good thing that the pipe was rusty. I was able to use the pipe to break the ropes on my hands. 

I took off my gag and looked up and I saw a timer on top of a bomb. My eyes widened and I put up my hands just as it went off. 

I screamed and closed my eyes and waited for my death..........

But it never came.

I looked and my eyes widened. The fire and debris didn't touch me. But debris and the other layers of the factory came crashing down. I panicked but somehow I still managed to keep my force field up. 

With all of the rubble and stuff on my force field, it was pitch black. I couldn't see anything.

I knew I couldn't keep my force field up for long. Sooner or later I would lose strength and I would drop the force field. 

"Help!" I called. "Someone help!! Help!"

I heard nothing so I tried again.

"Hello?! Anyone! Help me! Help!" I called again.

"Over here!" A very faint and muffled voice said.

Someone was near! 

"Help! I'm under here!" I called.

"Raven! Hold on, we're going to get you out of there!" The faint and muffled voice said.

"Hurry! I don't know how much longer I can keep my force field up!" I called.

After a few minutes I started to see some light. Then seconds later, thanks to Barry's speed, the area around me was cleared. I dropped my hands and just like a vacuum, my energy was sucked out of me.

Barry flashed back to me and he picked me up and he said " Are you ok?"

"Besides the cut on my shoulder from that arrow, I'm alright." I said.

I saw other people behind him and I said "You can put me down Barry."

He set me down and he said "Raven, this is The Green Arrow, The Atom, and Speedy."

"Glad to see you're ok." A boy who looked Barry's age said.

I looked at him.


He's hot. 

I smiled and studied him for a moment. Damn he looked so cute in that suit of his. 

"So none of you have a real name?" I asked.

"You do understand the meaning of a secret identity right?" The guy with a hood and a black mask over his eyes said.

I frowned and I said "I do understand but I don't see the harm in telling me."

The cute one smiled and said "I'm Ray. Ray Palmer."

He held out his hand and I smiled he slipped his hand into mine and he brought it up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on it. I couldn't help but blush at that. 

"And your name is?" He asked.

"Raven Montgomery." I said.

The girl with bow and arrows smiled and said "I'm Thea."

I smiled and said "Nice to meet you."

I looked at the last one whom I guess is The Green Arrow. I sighed and looked at Barry. 

"I need to get back to Central City. I have to work today." I said.

"You literally just almost got blown up and were just in the hands of two dangerous people. And all you can think of is your work?" The Green Arrow said.

I looked at him and I said "Yeah. Cause let me tell you one thing, jerk. If I take a break just because I get kidnapped and almost die, I'd lose my job."

"So how about you stop acting like an ass, and get off my case. Or...."

"Or what?" The Green Arrow said cutting me off. 

I raised my hand and he took out his bow and arrows. Barry looked shocked and him, Thea, and Ray took a few steps back. I swung my hand to the left and he went flying into the water. In case you haven't picked it up, the factory is near a lake. 

I frowned and Ray said "Well there's your "or what."" 

I looked at Barry and I said "Would you mind getting me to work?"

He nodded and I turned to Ray and Thea and I said "It was nice to meet you. And thank you for saving me."

Thea smiled and said "No problem."

"Will I see you again?" Ray asked me.

I looked at him and I said "We'll see."

He smiled and Barry picked me up and he said "You ready?"

I nodded and he flashed all the way to my apartment. I quickly showered and then changed and I walked out of my room and Barry flashed me to my work. 

I sighed and said "And with a minute to spare."

"Thank you Barry. For everything." I said.

"You're welcome, Raven." He said.

I smiled and walked into work and I looked back to see Barry flash off into the city.

 I walked into my office and the door closed behind me and I stopped.

A voice behind me said "Hello my beautiful Angel."

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