Chapter 30

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I smiled and walked into work and I looked back to see Barry flash off into the city.

I walked into my office and the door closed behind me and I stopped.

A voice behind me said "Hello my beautiful Angel."


Raven's Pov

I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was.

"Hartley." I said.

"You remember me." He said.

I turned and I looked at him. He was wearing a bunny hug and jeans and his hair was slightly ruffled. He smiled at me and I kept still.

"How can I forget the man who almost got me killed." I said.

His smile went away and he said "I promise you I had no intention to put you in harm's way. What happened at the apartment was all Snart and his friend's fault."

"Hartley, You put me in harms way the moment you kidnapped me." I said.

He stood there and I said "If you didn't want me in harm's way then you would have not used your meta powers to harm those I care about, and to corner me by a shattering a store's window."

"I did all of those to show you I care about you." He said.

"I know. But there are better ways to show someone you care about them." I said.

"Then give me a chance, Angel. Give me a chance to show you that I care about you." He said.

"Does that line ever work on anyone? Like ever?"

I turned around and I saw Cisco and Barry standing there.

"Cisco." Hartley said.

"How ya doing, Dick?" He said.

Barry didn't waste any time. He flashed and grabbed Hartley and he flashed out of the room. Cisco looked at me and I smiled at him.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said.

He smiled and he said "We were going to come by to tell you that I have finally figured out a meta name for you."

"Finally?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey, give me some credit. Genius doesn't come to some so easily, ya know." He said.

"I didn't know it came to you at all." I said.

Cisco blinked and said "Ow......that hurt."

I smiled and I said "So what's my meta name?" 

"I have came up with, Jedi Seeker." He said.

I stood there and frowned. 

"What? You don't like it?" He said.

"Well Cisco....It's......" I paused and said "The best name ever!"

His face lit up and said "Oh you did not just pull a Princess and The Frog (Disney) on me!"

I laughed and said "You betcha I did."

"Why? Why do you feel the need to do that?" He said.

"You make it too easy." I said.

He smiled and he said "That's maybe it's a little......Ok it's true."

I smiled and he said "I better head back to Star Labs."

"Ok. See ya." I said. "Oh wait! What about Hartley?"

"Don't worry. He'll be locked up in our meta prison." Cisco said.

I nodded and he left and I went to my work. I had probably about 250 letters to respond to and I probably only answered about less than half of them. I must have stayed pretty late and must have fallen asleep because a pain in my ear woke me up.

It made me stand up and pulled me out of my office and to the door. 

"Ow, ow, ow, OW. Ear, ear, ear. OW!" I said until we were in a car.

I rubbed my ear and said "I fell asleep didn't I?"

An annoyed Iris said "Yes. You did." 

I smiled and said "Well, that's a first."

"And it better be the last time you do that." She said.

I looked at her and I groaned and said "Aw crap. Girl's night." 

"Yup." She said.

"I'm so sorry Iris. I'll make it up to you." I said.

"You better. She hasn't stopped pouting all night." Joe said in the front seat.

I smiled and said "How about I start with a classic sleep over at your place. Just like we did as kids." 

Iris looked at me and she smiled and said "I can't stay mad at you Raven. A sleepover sounds like a great idea." 

I smiled and we went to Joe and Iris's place and while Joe made some Hot chocolate, Iris and I started to make a huge tent from blankets and we spread blankets on the floor and cushions and pillows all around inside.

I smiled and we went to Joe and Iris's place and while Joe made some Hot chocolate, Iris and I started to make a huge tent from blankets and we spread blankets on the floor and cushions and pillows all around inside

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We put up some lights and then we got inside. Joe came in and gave us our hot chocolate. We drank it and pretty much giggled and laughed for about two hours and then we both settled down and I looked at Iris.

"So......I'm forgiven?" I said.

"Yes. You are forgiven." She said.

I smiled and put my head down on a pillow and pulled a blanket over me and fell asleep.

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